pronounced weinerslave

This seems about right. These are guys who were probably super-fit in their 20s and have chosen macho careers, and they do well enough just based on being smart than the Jersey Boys and faster than the clown people. But sooner or later, being 40 and having beer guts catches up with them and they look on in

Yes, not knowing English Christmas rituals concerning ghost stories certainly disqualifies anyone from enjoying Downton Abbey.

Kristina IS incredibly irritating. Maybe that's why the scene bugged me so much. Also the fact that she yelled at Amber and treated her like some slutty temptress, when Bob is the one who started it, is the boss, is older, and has everything to lose. Bitch at him, Kristina.

I thought Kristina was terrible, and Amber was lame for going along with her. Sure, big scandal and all that, but who the hell is Kristina to act like two consenting adults can't get it on? And if she's going to be pissed at anyone, it should be Politician Bob, because he's the one with an election on the line. Amber

That's a good point. I liked the idea that she was living with them, and then the baby comes, and then what? Does she stay there while they raise the baby? Do they kick her out minutes after she gives birth? How do they navigate that incredibly complicated situation?

Thanks, Judge. I never knew it was the same actress until just right now.

oop, now I just got it.

I'd never seen this show before, but oh man was this episode hilarious. At first I was just thinking, OK, standard reality show tropes, maybe pushing it a little, but then up popped the She-Mail and I lost it. And as the review mentioned, the fantastic editing of the zombie scene. What delightful camp. Oh, and the

Ha! After all that crap about fastest challenge ever, which was a terrible schtick to begin with.

Thank you for pointing out the weirdness of her leaning against her chair. They did show her sitting at some points though, and I'm wondering if it wasn't the too-tight skirt (although very possible) but the fact that she was trying to hide her non-existent stomach, since she had gained almost a whole pound from

phodreaw you can watch it on pbs.org

That's a good point. The hospital seems to have disappeared, and yet the whole point of the convalescent home was for the guys who were coming out of that hospital! Why couldn't Isobel stay at the hospital if she needed her own turf?

I agree. I'd actually like to see her marry the newspaper guy - it just seems more fitting somehow.

Maybe it is an either love it or hate it concept - I thought that having half the episode consist of people praising a puppet for her fashion prowess seemed fake and yeah, pandering. We're here to watch fashion be made, not hear the designers tell us what a great challenge this is!

Yes! Big Gay Al - but with no sense of humor about himself.

Yeah, she's only 18, but the choice of where to go to college and how to pay for it is the first real adult decision many people have to make. And for her to expect her parents to totally pay for it, and for them to act as if it's only their responsibility, is taking that adult decision away from her.

Screwing your boss's (bosses? boss'? bossessesses?) boss is pretty bad, plus the age difference (which is unclear) is pretty icky as a general rule. But maybe they'll wait until after the election and they can have less-icky sex at that point.

I agree about the unrealistic nature of the conversations about affording college. And I think Haddie's reaction should have disqualified her from Braverman of the Week. I mean, I get that Cornell's her dream school for some reason but they should have explained why - is it just because she wants an Ivy? Does she have

It helps that not every country had a carabiner/whatever-it's-called on it - so if you know "somewhere in Africa" you probably have a good chance of figuring it out.

But then they have to acknowledge how freakishly thin she is instead of pretending that most 40-something women have visible rib cages.