
Exactly. When he got elected I felt America had been played by a "neg" artist.

It always makes me laugh and shake my head when someone says to me, oh I fear for the future, this young generation is the worst, it's going to be the end of civilization etc… people have been saying that since teenage culture was invented & probably even before. So, somebody said that about YOU once.

Thank you for this info! I was sitting with my jaw dropped when fucking Dateline came on!

me too. I had to look at the credits to see that it was not.

I find Norrell to be very sympathetic. And I think he is the closest to an audience surrogate. He worked so hard on something that he loved, but does not have much cunning, courage or social skills. Whereas Strange has extreme wealth, luck, love, courage and audacity. Who among us in real life wouldn't be jealous of

Yes! That is one of the certain ways to not get another date with me. Dressing like shit. I don't mean expensive clothes, just putting some attention into your appearance.

I noticed in her scenes with Stannis her dress/cloak was almost dark blue. But when she arrives at Castle Black it is red again. I can only assume that is some foreshadowing.

It's funny you make this complaint. In the books, don't worry, no spoilers, characters who had made plans assuming Dany would have arrived in Westoros by now comment about the same thing.

Don't know about the Dorne stuff, but there is a reason for the NIght's Watch stuff. A small group of the NIght's Watch ambushed Jon. Allister had to obey Jon in front of the entire watch, because not everyone was in on the murder plot, that had to be done in a tricky, secret way. The last man who disobeyed Jon got

I know this will be an unpopular vote, but this season was one of my favorites, if not my favorite. I love all the North stuff. Have never really loved the Kings Landing stuff, especially once Tyrion was neutered. And no Shea this season! She has been my least favorite character from the beginning & her "arc" made no

The previous scene where Stannis turned away, hitting her with his armored shoulders , I think also played a part in her leaving.

But the Dornish soldiers, under the command of Doran, who vocally was pro-Jaime, anti-war would probably be willing to. Plus, isn't Trystane, the love of Myrcella, also on the boat & they would have listened to him. I am curious to see how many of the deaths were fake-outs.

That would line up with Thoros, the only man we know can do it so far. He was basically broken and despairing & didn't even hope to save Berric, he just said the words he had learned in his despair & it worked! A lesson in humility for Mellisandre would be a good thing in any case.
Edit: I see the Archbishop says the

I kind of have a horrible feeling, since the next book is titled Winds of Winter, we will have one more season of despair, before we get that turnaround. Hopefully it will be glorious.

Yes, this was one of my favorite seasons too. The stories in the north are my favorite (I have read the books, but honestly I hate the expert reviews now, all everyone does is bitch & moan & be outraged about the way it should have been etc. At least on this review you actually talk about the tv show that we just

We did square dancing in the small town I grew up in too. And I have to agree it was so much fun. I love to dance under any circumstances, but square dancing got everyone involved, so I would get to dance with people who normally would never dance.

I quite like Reveal and Collapse into Now. Umm, I even like the one everyone hates, Around the Sun. Less hype on Up, except for a few songs. But stopping Berry's aneurism is a great idea anyway.

I bow to your superior knowledge. I love Italian and am happy to learn more about it. I miss hearing it dearly. I heard per piacere mostly in the restaurants and shops - i.e. ordering food, I agree the examples you give using favore makes more sense. Grazie amico(a?)!

Yes, that is something I was thinking. I felt sympathy for Stannis, not hatred. They showed how dearly he loved his daughter & then he had to make this sacrifice. It is not only for ambition, he believes he is the one man that can keep the realm alive/fight the white walkers. Whether it is true or not, I saw a man who

Also he died pretty young. i don't know, but pretty much everyone (well creative types and drug addicts anyway) i knew had their problems in their 20s. He never overcome his youth.