
Ok, well when I lived in Italy everyone used piacere all the time and I was specifically told by a friend living there the admittedly minor difference. and not to use favore unless I was asking for a … well favor, not as simple politeness. I rarely heard anything but piacere at a restaurant or store. I just thought

Yes, the Florentine stuff was def there. That amazing shot of Gillian with the umbrella in front of the white building was absolutely the Duomo, there is nothing else like it.

Have you tried going with other greens? I love greens but not a huge fan of spinach. Arugula just needs salt/pepper/olive oil. Escarole is amazing with some sun dried tomatoes. Swiss chard?

The Italian was perfect & even evocative. I already said it, but it was glorious.

The per favore was an interesting touch. Normally in that situation you would say per piacere or piacere. Per favore has a connotation of pleading as opposed to simple politeness. I thought either they used favore for english speaking audiences to understand (as a cognate) or they used it to give a glimpse into

She said two bottles and some white truffles. I agree it is vague, but it is a conventional way to ask for something at the store in Italy. You usually get two to start if you say some, if you want another you just indicate so. This show is already astoundingly beautiful & then they had to go to Firenze & speak

Or maybe she is underestimating him and Margery's influence on him and is certain that he would not take any action. More proof of her misunderstanding of everything/arrogance.

And it's shoulder blades for me on a guy. So sexy.

I have an incredibly sensitive back, I just melt when it is scratched or tickled. I find it so hard to get across to guys just how much I love it. I even tell them the secret to get me to say yes to anything is to scratch my back, just to try to get them to do it more. I always thought that was weird about me, good to

I don't necessarily disagree he may have been through the program, but I read his refusal of the pain pills as one, he's a badass who can take the pain two, the doctor was way overcharging for them ($25 per pill is crazy expensive) and he wasn't about to be taken advantage of and paying for the pills would not only

Keith Mars, good one.

Not a huge fan of the Iliad myself, but love The Odyssey, have read it several times for enjoyment. Highly recommend.

send another text before giving up. one that does not mention the voicemails & other text - that just sounds whiny. I know i can be awful about answering texts, especially from people i don't know very well if the text comes at a bad time. But would be happy to hear from them, again. And honestly sometimes a girl

what you just wrote there is fine. simple & straightforward. don't overthink the profile. put up a cute pic & a simple statement because, at least for me, I have NO idea how I am going to feel about someone I met online until I meet him in person. and obviously overwrought profile statements kind of turn me off, like

Confidence is super important. And no passive-aggressive hurt-y feelings if she doesn't respond right away to texts or messages. At least for me, that just kills it. For example, I've been on one or two dates with a guy & it went fine, I would be willing to see him again. He texts me once about going out again, I

Yeah, I read it recently and quite enjoyed it. I actually love the overly long King books, I have a lot of time to read, long subway commutes and slow nights at work so I actually look for the longer books. And with ebooks the size isn't a problem for my little hands.

Just saw it today, i give it two genetically spliced thumbs up for brilliantly stoopiddd. A perfect Saturday afternoon movie.

I'm betting that Sansa will takes over Lady Stoneheart's vengeance killings.

I really enjoyed this episode. It felt like a return to form. I was waiting for this review with excitement (until it got to be after2am…), except now I see the reviewer has lost interest. Lots of time with Abbie, Ichabod & Jenny, pseudo-history, amusing comments, "leftenant, you learned my shanty?" Ichabod describing

I actually did think this was a bad episode. I did not laugh at all
& I usually love Bob's Burgers to death. I just thought the family
were acting like assholes! Sure the Bushes are annoying, but you can't
suck it up for a few weeks for Bob? I don't know maybe as an urban
dweller who would kill for a garden, I am too