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    I once heard that Denver leads the nation in both microbreweries per capita, and adult singles. No idea if it's true, but I like the idea of a cause/effect there.

    Well, sure, it's just the sucky people stick out more. I lived in Boulder for twelve years, and have it on good authority that I'm actually quite awesome.

    Boulder is great. It's just the people that suck.

    How about Fright Night? My memories, at least, are fond and warm. Which is why I hope to avoid watching again as an adult, and realizing it wasn't great.

    It is a little different from most sit-com romances, if only because it started right off the bat, so we never got used the characters as NOT being a couple. As opposed to, say, the "romance" of Joey and Rachel. Which sucked.

    frozen bs
    Here's the thing about liquid nitrogen as a killing agent: the way it's portrayed on film tends to be utter crap. Specific heat and all that basic physics stuff means it takes way, way more than movies and TV would have you believe in order to freeze a person, and would take a heck of a long time. I once

    Yes. And poking you and asking how your movie tastes match with their own.


    I was trying to be vague to avoid spoilers, but I guess that's a little silly. Yeah, it's Sahjan, the demon who flits back-and-forth in time, "In a manly way."

    Whoever that actor is that played Cain, he's a lot of fun in Angel, playing a sarcastic demon.

    But why the big effect on Willow, then? Because she moved on to Oz? I could see that, but man, she was all kinds of tore up when under the spell's influence. Once again, that girl is breaking my heart, even in the middle of a silly, shrieky moment.

    Everyone deserves a little time off. Unfortunately, I'm not sure I'll be able to stop watching, and am in danger of getting ahead. Gonna be a loooong two weeks…

    It doesn't always work for me, the idea that Angel is just waiting around for the right moment to strike. I mean, yes, there is a show that needs to take place, it can't all be Angel lurking outside ready to kill, but sometimes I sympathize with Spike, who is frustrated and can't understand why the killing

    Definitely enjoyable. Although I have to wonder if Adam West truly doesn't think many people are saying the series wasn't serious enough. It was great as a standalone thing, or an alternate-universe sort of Batman, maybe, but not as an actual take on the comic book.

    I really didn't mean to sound like I was down on the show, and regret the failed somewhat-tongue-in-cheek tone I was going for. I swear, I love the show as is.

    I went through a phase of getting hardbacks whenever possible, until I did the math and realized I was going to be bankrupt if I kept it up. There's something satisfying about a big stack of paperbacks, a little dog-eared and scuffed but you don't care because it's not like they are hardbacks or anything.


    Mmy, I actually think that early work continues to hold up, which is what makes his late 90's-today work such a let down.

    Production notes
    John Ritter was great. The way he could still look so wholesome and 1950's while threatening Buffy? Excellent.

    Or Ben & Jerry's anything. Or fuzzy, fuzzy kitties.