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    This brings up an issue I was expecting Rowan to discuss this week for some reason I don't recall.



    I took it to mean a little more than just a carry over from his "old" life, or soul or what have you. He cut Whiskey right when he found out she was being requested more than anyone. His method was psychotic, sure, but I think it was to keep Whiskey from leaving, not just because he liked it.

    I disagree that the hatred towards Topher was an accident. He just thinks he deserves that and added it into the personality.

    Agreed, the current run of Deadpool is worth checking out. One of the few mainstream titles that isn't just full of dark angst and pain.

    This seems familiar
    I seem to recall a similar theme in comments some months back. If memory serves, there was a discussion of the "Webster" episode where two kids come to rob/beat up Webster when he's home alone. That was a scary one for me, even though I was way too old to excuse that fact.

    Agreed. And his delivery on a line that really shouldn't have been all that scary, "They all float down here," is terrifying.

    Does Yoda count as a muppet? He scared the crap out of me in Empire Strikes Back, when Luke says he's not afraid and Yoda stops being cute long enough to say, "You will be. You wiiiiill be…" To this day my brothers and sisters give me flack for hiding my face in the theater chair armrest at that point.

    I'm with ya on "Pet Sematary." I was an early teenager as well when I saw it, and that phone call where Gage says how he played with Mommy and Judd (or whatever Fred Gwyne's character was called) made me cold. Tried to act nonchalant about it, since I was in a theater with two male friends who would never have let me

    Magic: Exactly the commercial I was going to mention! It's now, what, nearly 30 years later? I haven't seen that clip since it was originally on TV, and I can clearly picture that god damned puppet head talking to me, especially the lowered eyelid bit at the end you mention. Even now I'm uncomfortable. I saw it when I

    No, it's surely "Unforgiven." I remember being a little unsettled about that video myself at the time.

    Your words are confusing to me, whooty.

    Let me preface my question with an assurance that I am, indeed, completely serious.

    Don't know if you were serious, Robert, but I'd definitely check out the AV Club's take on the debates.

    Can't I just look forward to checking out Dollhouse for the sake of new Whedon work without being slavishly devoted? I like his stuff. What's the big deal?

    Terminator might be good. I just can't decide. Having seen about half the episodes, I can't say I felt let down or anything, but then I hardly missed it when I, you know, missed it.

    I can't help but hear, "Mr. Tuvok" and also wonder what she's really saying every time the commercial comes on. Unfortunately my interest doesn't last long enough to check imdb or anything.

    There was a lot of talk about how much the convention was going to disrupt things and make it impossible to actually get to work and, you know, work this week. I was struck on the way in this morning how much more crowded and hectic everything was today, as compared to the rest of the week. I think the organizers

    It was Coors' existence that made it notable to me the idea of most microbreweries. Not being a beer drinker, I have no feel for whether that could be true or not, I just like the idea.