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    Satan has naked people writhing on his wall when he's giving a seductive speech. It's not ALL about Pacino's loud screaming.

    Thank god he never turned the writing duties over to Byrne. I can't think of anything John Byrne has written in the past decade that earns him the right to an editorial insert like "legendary comics creator". OK, obviously he is legendary and a comics creator, so I don't actually take issue with that. He was pretty

    Axes. Axes!

    Oh, I certainly didn't mean to imply the world's greatest detective was not the world's greatest detective. I just meant that he's about as smart as a person can be, not an alien genius or anything like that. He's smart not because he's only naturally gifted, but because he works so damn hard at it, studying under

    Spoilerish stuff
    As a life-long fan of Batman comics, I must say I don't like the idea of Bruce Wayne being close to quitting Batman so often barely happens in the comic books, ever. Yeah, he had a moment in the recent 52/Countdown series where he freed himself of his demons, but otherwise he's pretty consistently

    I may have phrased things badly. It was never my intent to imply he wasn't funny, or worth interviewing. Quite the contrary, I got a kick out of this as well as everything he does on 30 Rock. Really, I just meant he's genuinely odd, and suggested he might be a challenge to get a straight interview out of. That doesn't

    The one where he end up shirtless and flex/dances? That certainly did spring to mind.

    I liked it more than you did, Scott, even if it wasn't as much as I COULD have liked it. The twist was OK, and I think it actually worked pretty well in regard to the flashbacks. It's more a story about what it's like in the zombie's head than anything. Been done, sort of, but I liked it from the zombie's

    OK, so the spoiler warning could have been more obvious, but it was in there. Let's not be too harsh. That spoiled scene is indeed wonderful in the most heart breaking way, and the show in general is unfairly overlooked. Michael Hogan is one of many awesome elements.

    The more interviews I see with Tracy Morgan, the less I think his insane characters are fully fabricated.

    As irritant hints at, Fury sticks out for me most in his non-writing gigs. "They got the mustard out!" continues to be a highlight for me, and I loved him in "Smile Time". I recall enjoying his directing, although by this point I can't honestly remember which episodes stood out the first time around.

    Noxon most definitely tended to play up the sexual/kinky angle, you're right. I didn't listen to the audio commentary this time around, but I seem to recall her comments during "What's My Line" being sidetracked frequently by admiring Angel's exposed torso whenever it appeared. The kinky writing didn't come out of a

    Comic Book Movie shouldn't carry a negative connotation. And yes, any Batman movie is a Comic Book one, regardless of tone and quality.

    Um, I was trying to out-geek Miles, not just being random.

    I once snuck out and slept in an open field during a full moon on a Friday because I read a Celtic legend that it would turn you into a werewolf.

    Joss is Mumfar? Damn, now I have a reason to watch those episodes again. OK, two reasons, including royal Cordy.


    Got to admit, I dig those sites that just plain delete Firstie-type posts. Sure, sometimes a genuinely funny post gets deleted. But so, so many annoying, unfunny posts do as well, and I don't have to take the time to scroll down to the meat of the discussion, wasting upwards of SEVERAL SECONDS of my time.

    Thanks! You should probably count me out, though. Because of all the gonorrhea.

    I somehow missed "Fire" as well, and I was a religious viewer for the first couple seasons. Nor have I caught in on any of the late night FX reruns. Maybe we've suppressed it?