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    'Cause they were successful at it. Or would have been, had they not been more interested in feeding the girls to a demon snake.

    Crow, Judah Friedlander, Ed Helms…this movie has no right being less than great.

    Agreed, this was an excellent start to revealing more about Giles. The moment where the polite, soft speaking, well mannered librarian wordlessly beats the crap out of Ethan is a jolt in our expectation of what Giles is all about. Of course he had an entire life before becoming Buffy's watcher. Now we start to get

    Season two starts out as something of a re-do, albeit better done.

    Don't know you or your sister-in-law, but bragging about kicking small dogs IS pretty pathetic.

    My sister Vaginaowner would kill for a name like "Sheila".

    I think it was always more a warning than a complaint, soce. Step on a rattlesnake and you'll likely be a lot sorrier than the snake ends up being.

    And still others will purchase them with the express purpose of putting them in their rectum, a la "Ass Pennies" only to find they have an uncomfortable struggle ahead.

    Or, and I'm going way out on a limb here, maybe the original, tongue-in-cheek, implication was that the merits of varying superhero movie structures wasn't really a big enough issue to argue over? Just a thought.

    Switching the intro narrative, about, "Into each generation…" to Giles's version was very much the right move.

    Spike is most definitely a victim of Angel's. Maybe not in the direct way it's implied up front, but it's fair to say Spike turns out the way he does due in no small part to Angel. A good chunk is explored in Angel, the series, but you get plenty of info just in Buffy.

    I'm with Scott on the premier of S2, and then some. It helped reset the tone of the show, rather than showing more of the same. Buffy's got problems other than being sad about constantly almost (and sometimes completely) dying in her duty, she wasn't able to shrug off The Master as hinted the previous season finale,

    Haven't seen yet, but that ain't gonna stop me from having opinions
    The whole reason I've been looking forward to this movie, other than, "It's a big Summer movie, why the hell not?" is, exactly as you say, because I'd been hearing that it was a twist on the usual superhero tale. When you see pretty much every comic

    You guys touched on the aborted "Tonight He Comes" title, which I initially thought was a joke when first revealed however many months ago. Seriously, does anyone in the know have any insights into why that was the working title?

    I also don't remember Claire Stansfield from "Twin Peaks". I do, however, remember her as the emotive robot who makes an escape from her makers in "The Flash".

    Too bad it went sharply downhill with Are You Freakin' Kidding Me: Revolutions.

    I'm delighted to see "Monsters Inc." getting its due here. While I don't know if I'd say it was better done than the others, I can quite definitely say it has emotional depth that is executed at least as well if not better than any other movie of its type.

    Oh, just one more thing, Sir.
    Were we supposed to get a connection that Maggie was the one who murdered Carlos's parents or somesuch? I couldn't tell if those bodies were supposed to be meaningful, or just gross.

    Liked it OK.
    It was kinda fun, as a fan of "Psych," to see Lawson (or Alicia Silverstone 2.0 as I sometimes think of her) and Roday to team up in a different genre. That being said, yeah, Landis could do better, if he really wanted to. Question is, did he want to? This doesn't seem like the type of format that begs a

    End of an era-ish
    "Prophecy Girl" is the first episode that, to me at least, had most of the tone in place that would continue to carry the series through the following seasons. That is certainly not to say there weren't some good moments in the first season, and moments that made it clear the potential of the show