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    That's Melora Hardin's father? Her mother must be ridiculously stunning, or genetics don't work nearly the way I thought.

    Most often I read this site so I can hear opinions about things I'm familiar with and already like. This list, I'm excited to find, contains all books I have not read. That is AWESOME. And, being a Denverite myself, I feel like I need to go to Tattered Cover to pick them up. As though one needs an excuse to go to

    The newest version was pretty decent. For some reason I keep getting it mixed up in my head with The Dresden Files, though.

    Those Friday nights ruled throughout my sophomore year in college. Sliders started off with great potential, Brisco County Jr. was always good, and I'm proud to say I even watched the entirety of M.A.N.T.I.S. "Proud" is maybe the wrong word.

    Reason #48 why I would enjoy being british
    I could go around saying things like, "It's terribly woolly" and not come off as a complete tool.

    What are people's opinions on the random, alternate universe episodes? I loved the Titanic and spaceship settings, although I have to admit the show mightn't have been as good had they overdone that quirkiness.

    Wow, that's embarrassing. Of course your right, scotteb, I'm an idiot. Thank god none of you know about the time I've spent as a physiologist, or I'd really be looking stupid right now.

    Take two?
    Sorry in advance if this is a duplicate. This here page is acting wonky on me tonight.

    How cool is Adama?
    Even when the base ship jumps in right in front of him, even when his wait is over and Roslin has come back and he's clearly nervous and excited…dude's expression is downright PISSED.

    I've one of the complainers about the endgame taking way to long to get here this season. This episode gets no complaints from me. Something needs to happen for me be interested, which doesn't always mean action and revelations. Those jump scenes were fantastic, as was Helo's hesitancy after seeing the Six's

    I say keep complaining about the teasers. Why the hell SciFi keeps doing this is beyond me. Even worse, if you can avoid it right after the show, you'll still see it in a commercial approximately once every 30 seconds for the entire freaking week.

    It was silly, sure. But I thought it served its purpose: to be about something other than vampires and witches. Despite the series' name being specific, it's really been about good vs. general supernatural evil.

    Comment on fighting
    If you listen to the commentaries (and I have to assume almost everyone here does), the directors talk a fair amount about the fighting styles, where it always becomes one-on-one. They basically say, "Yeah, it's a cop out, but getting two people fighting correctly is a hell of a lot easier than

    That makes sense, it not being his. I assumed Cottle ran a DNA scan or something, but it was really just about her being pregnant and Adama realizing Tigh was sleeping with her, wasn't it?

    I'll be darned, I missed the Jake callback. And who was the kid in the original series? I seem to recall him making a just-as-brief appearance some time back.

    Sure, there are exceptions to every rule. And Airplane! breaks oh so many rules.

    The affection comes through the mockery pretty clearly. I think of it in terms of "Shaun of the Dead," a movie spoofing zombie flicks that was also an unapologetic zombie flick. You can't be that clever in your mockery if you don't have a deep knowledge and love for the source material. Or at least, it would

    I was afraid of that. I've mostly only read the science articles in the Times heretofore, and am used to those being poorly written. Anyone with a moderate grasp of English who has spent time in research science knows what I'm talking about.

    Anyone read the article about Lost in today's NY Times? It was surprisingly bad, I thought. For example, it posited that the series was referencing "The Most Dangerous Game," since Widmore was looking to buy the island. I'm paraphrasing, a little, but it struck me as trying too hard to find clues and references.

    Exactly(ish) what I was thinking, Noel. Moving the wheel wasn't the purpose behind bring polar bears to the island, but if you've got a big powerful animal there to do the work for you, may as well go ahead and do just that.