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    Yeah, I mentioned that below, sort of. Ben was wonderfully tragic in his last on-island scene here.

    That's it exactly, JJ. "Exotic matter" is very much a term you would hear physicists working with the Casimir effect use. It only sounds like a made-up, non-specific term.

    Yeah, this was a happy cry. Quantum Leap's finale had me bawling in a horribly depressed sort of way, in contrast. He never got to go home?! Why?!

    I love that they have moments like the island being moved. All the talk about time travel, magnetic magic, mysterious monsters and whatnot are fine, but I'd be a little pissed if I didn't get to see some physical evidence of said time travel. Plus, "Time traveling bunnies" was a highlight as far as I'm

    Plus, even those truly dead, like Christian, don't really stay all that dead. Which is good, because I already want Locke back. Yeah, he fell from a powerful leader/shaman type to a manipulated, confused wreck, but Terry O'Quinn makes a character awesome.

    Didn't they talk about how the polar bears were part of an experiment regarding rapid acclimatization to environments? I figure that's why they brought them in the first place.

    Almost every name has a meaning on the show, or is referencing some sort-of-famous figure. In addition to the philosophers, we've got a fair number of scientists, religious figures, and probably quite a few famous names I don't even know about.

    My prediction: There may be fewer comments on SCTV, but they will average more towards the white hot love end of the spectrum than SNL. A smaller but more fervent fan set.

    Well, I sure thought they were aliens when I saw the final sequence in the theater. Also, I thought, "Past time for this movie to end now."

    Someone accidentally used a sepia toned David Duchovny picture up top.

    Seriously, Maluka? None of the movies this summer sound promising? I feel better about this movie season than I have in a whole long time. There isn't even one movie you're excited about?

    this is my subject title
    That scene of Kutner at the end really affected me, and I'm not exactly sure why. He didn't really seem sad or anything, just going on with his life. I guess because he strikes me as a decent sort of guy, the most likable of the new crew. And precisely because he wasn't all that affected,

    Now the link is active. That'll teach me to quite being so impatient. Just kidding, I've learned nothing.

    Got to admit, I pretty much skip the anime stuff myself. But hey, so long as it doesn't stop the good people at the AV Club from discussing the other shows, so be it. Of course it goes without saying that nothing matters as much as the Venture Brothers' return.

    Adult Swim
    So when is that icon of Meatwad up to the right going to link to something? It's just been sitting there…taunting me…for a couple days now. I do know this: When there's a show blog under the Adult Swim category, I'm going to be geeking out with little or no restraint.

    Repo Man
    OK, so maybe I'm not all that bright. If I were feeling defensive I would say I haven't seen the movie since about a year after it came out, but really I'm just bad at connecting the dots. What the hell was the Chevy Malibu? Literally an alien spacecraft? And why could Miller(?) fly it? My memory isn't clear

    Hey now, let's not be hating on Iron Man. You're free not to like it, but comparing it to Transformers? Come on.

    Only cursory knowledge of blowup dolls…gotcha. Hi, Genevieve's mom!

    Some black hearted individuals here today. That was some moving, beautiful singing. Sure it was creepy and a little off putting towards the end, this is BSG. Things are supposed to be that way.

    Wow, that's odd. Just reading the puppet scene brought it vividly back into my memory, along with the unease. And they never explained it, did they? Damn puppet just went and got possessed and came to life and no big deal, don't bother telling us why or how. Stupid show.