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    Smokey flashes
    I heard somewhere that the camera-like flashes the smoke monster sometimes generates is sort of taking pictures of people's minds, which it can use later as a template for a manifestation of a dead brother, for example. Hopefully it was phrased more eloquently wherever I heard it from, I'm not

    Well, yes, but only after thinking, "Hey, it's Ensign Ro!"

    I don't know or really care enough to learn how to make accent marks. All the same, I enjoyed the look back at the Expose episode and wanted to thank Noel for it. I thought I was only one who enjoyed that episode as a standalone, purely entertaining. "Fun" is the right way to describe it, in my opinion. The

    As someone who continuously fights the urge to correct people who misuse adverbs, I loved that entire scene more than any clever movie banter of the past several years.

    As someone who continuously fights the urge to correct people who misuse adverbs, I loved that entire scene more than any clever movie banter of the past several years.

    Damn show lost me the minute they kicked off Matt and Leticia. As I so often find myself guilty of during the show, I've been rooting for the geek who needed the most help in the beginning and the beauty who never seemed to need a bit of help and improvement. I can most definitely understand the argument about

    For your health!
    How much Dr. Steve Brule is in that season? Some, you say? OK, count me in.

    Sorry if this is a duplicate…
    Page just went all funky on me. For possibly the second time, let me say:

    Yeah, I was waiting for some of the Rousseau backstory to get fleshed out as well. She was on the island for 16 years, surely she had some interesting revelations to, um, reveal. As a character she didn't do much for me, but I still wanted to know about her arrival, losing her daughter, and the sickness that killed

    Wow, thank you, Captain. And in case you're actually making fun: sorry for being too slow to realize that and respond properly.

    It's not easy to look sexy and comical so thoroughly. I think. I can certainly only pull off the one, so I'm assuming. Oh, come on. Take a guess which one.

    Oh man, if Desmond isn't still alive somewhere I'm gonna be pissed. I hope Rose and Bernard are, too, although I might be in somewhat of a minority there. I think Claire is still alive, she's sort of part of the Locke group and if (heck, I'll just say "when") they return to the island it would make for some good drama

    Jack saying to Kate, "You're not even related to him!" referencing Aaron…seems like maybe he knows by this point in the timeline about Claire being his half-sister?

    I know it's been mentioned here before, but check out the whisper transcriptions on Lostpedia. There are so many times someone the listener knew who was already dead is talking. And it's just fun to see what the whispers are saying, period.

    It's so hard to tell when people are being sincere 'round these parts, phel. On the off change you were, I agree that The Protector is pretty good. Didn't get nearly the attention it should have.

    "He," thank you very much. If I were a woman my nipples would already serve a purpose. As a man, I feel they should be able to do something interesting besides chafing when I jog. "Need" may be too strong of a word to accurately describe my level of desire, but not by all that much.

    "As well?"

    Probably not what they meant
    But a cream that enables you to produce lightening from your nipples sounds like something I need.

    I liked the effect of Martha having feelings for the Doctor, which kind of surprised me. Surprised that I liked it, I mean. The reason being that his young female companions quite often have had strong-ish feelings which never seemed to be reciprocated. But for last season there were a few times when he demonstrated

    Perhaps as a direct result of being pleasantly surprised by Mila Kunis's performance in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, I'm starting to feel bad for her when I watch Family Guy. The family has always ignored/insulted her, but she at least used to have some lines to defend herself with, unsuccessfully or no. There are