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    Heh. You know, I was actually trying to figure out where they talked about installing the fiberglass, and decided it must have been when I answered the door to get my pizza. Now, after your comment, I understand a little better.

    Tea bag jokes still funny?
    I vote yes.

    I'm afraid I must insist on an answer to the above questions as soon as possible.

    As we get closer to the end, I find myself becoming less patient with the series-long arcs still waiting to be answered. This may be one of the first episodes where I felt bothered that it seemed to be just one like break in the action.

    I liked Cloverfield. I'm liking the exchange between Zach and Legface even more.

    To be clear, I was not saying the camera-induced headache was a reason not to like the film. I just meant that was the only negative issue I had. Heck, I loved Cloverfield (you heard me, world!) and that was even worse, headache-wise. Reading in a jostling car, things like that are no problem, it's just shaky camera

    Your mom is right, Penguin. Keep doing what you do.

    Liked this movie just fine when it came out, and have no reason to stop liking it now. It was one of the first movies to give me a headache due to all the shaky camera work, but the movie should have the effect of making you uncomfortable so maybe that's not a bad thing all around.

    Whatever complaints you might have about the show
    You've got to admit they do seem to experience it the same way we do. Knowing that there are complaints, trying to fix things, having some of the same frustrations your average viewer does. I guess I just agree with the kind of things that they think are cool, and

    I guess I'm one of the only ones who liked the quick dispatching. As noted, this was a rare moment of Satan at his most powerfully evil, and I got a kick out of him taking around down in a matter of a minute or so, grinning the entire time. From an arc perspective, yes, way too quick. For the actual scene, I thought

    I was feeling smug and superior that I figured it was a fake out leading to a viewing of the tape, only to be chagrinned when the hooking actually upped (yes, that's how I'm going to say that).

    Great episode, for many reasons. One thing though, was Van Der Beek's accent awful or do I just not understand how my neighbors to the north sound? A lot of it seemed closer to bad Irish than Canadian.

    Agreed. I always found Mila Kunis pretty annoying, but liked her in this role. And she was surprisingly attractive as a result. Or as a happy coincidence, who knows.

    Agreed on all points.

    I really liked this show when it first aired, not in the least because it upset my father so much that he had to leave the room to avoid watching something so stupid. Haven't seen it since then, but I do remember seeing the pilot, and then wondering why the next episodes seemed to be the same thing with minor

    You know, I just assumed that was a different voice actor. Beverly D'Angelo really does sound odd. I prefer to think of her circa the first three Vacation movies in all her milfy glory, and do not appreciate her voice changing either, Genevieve. I imagine your reasons for objecting are exactly the same.

    Final cylon
    They really seem to keep dropping hints about who that final one is, or I'm just finding coincidental clues. Is everyone else feeling it's fairly obvious at this point? Frankly I'm hoping I'm misled, surprises are so much nicer.

    Actually, the first real life 6 after the mini-series was Shelly Godfrey. Not sure if that's just another name for one of the other 6's or if that's really what she goes by. Them 6's seem to have a lot of names. Other than that darned Caprica 6, with no human name just to bug me, apparently.

    And no, they have never revealed Caprica 6's name as Baltar originally knew her. That's been bugging me since day one, I really don't see a good reason to be so coy about it.

    Yeah, I'm going with Kevin as well, Singing and Reading. Something about his look, even when he's not doing anything he makes my laugh.