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    So God is real and listening to my prayers? Man, I've gotta start going to church again.

    Still, your mother-in-law watched a LOTR movie, so she can't be all bad.

    Oh, and I'm in total agreement, Leticia is hot. Nice to see not everyone thinks hot has to mean looking really young. Apparently that girl is almost 30. Gasp!

    I see the point, but it always struck me as guys who acted geeky, attractive or not, and women who acted entitled and hot, attractive or not, were the contestants.

    Agreed. Enough said. Even I've had quibbles about their processes every now and again, but really the show is about entertainment. Plenty of more effective ways to test science, few more entertaining.

    Joe and Greg were really the only interesting makeover results. Joe because, as pointed out, he looked surprisingly good and Greg because he was just so darned cute about the whole thing, MC Hammer lines on his scalp or no. I've been every so slightly rooting for Greg mostly because he seems to be so out of

    Hear, hear. Tuesday is exactly the right day for this show. Hey, execs: not everything needs to be shown on Thursday evening. Feel free to spread shows around a little.

    @ lancerocke: I never saw The Thing, but that was nonetheless an inexcusable oversight on my part. I should have said Mouth of Madness was one of the few pure horror movies I liked. There are probably other Carpenter films I've also forgotten to consider.

    Gotta agree, Mouth of Madness is creepy awesomeness. Really, that's one of the only Carpenter films I enjoyed purely as horror, rather than a mix of horror and camp.

    Oh, and Matt and Leticia are suddenly very much my favorites. Call that a pity vote if you will.

    Much better
    Wasn't overly excited about the first two episodes. Now I'm back on board. Initially I was ticked about one of the two switched team members guaranteed to go home, it seemed like they were trying the hardest and should therefor have the best chance. But then, that could very well be what they were counting

    Minor complaint
    The bit about the good doctor having been at the party felt a little contrived to me. Like they were trying too hard to misdirect the viewer into thinking this must be the mom.

    I was thinking about those glasses as well. Despite the lack of bigger arcs (I've always been pretty OK with that) it felt like they were setting up the glasses for a future use. Enabling Sam to see someone's "true face" has more than one possible meaning. Then again, I've been waiting for that Get Out of Hell Free

    I was liking Jim for no apparent reason until that aforementioned hot tub scene. As a male (and possible geek) I can attest to the ease with which any socially awkward dude can be manipulated by any flirtatious female. Still, come on. That embarrassed all men.

    Not really sure Jacoba is any less wacky.

    Me too. Those "gifts" were increasingly meaningless there for a while, regardless of the devil saying they were supposed to help catch souls. Spear gun plus superpowers is getting near awesome.

    Good eye, jeffy! I do believe you are correct. If I had a wife, she too would be annoyed by how often I pause and rewind Lost. But then if I had a wife, so very many things would be different…

    kerouac9, my TV has most definitely been showing Reaper each Tuesday until this week, so maybe your area is different. Regardless, not call for being so dickish about it.

    Oh yes. At one point I realized I was forcing myself to continue, and that seemed so wrong after the previous works of brilliance that lead up to it. I'm eagerly awaiting the redemption of book 5.

    I've tried, atomo, and I've failed. Closest I found was someone asking where they, too, could get a shirt like the one this girls wears. Missing the point, I feel.