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    Totally! Those are some serious eyes.

    "Oral sex is now on the high priority for the list of things to do?" asks Webmistress Diva. She and I will not be doing any dating.

    I assumed Harper was a dead image at first, until it was revealed that someone other than Juliette could see her. Of course, Ana Lucia heard those whispers right before Shannon stepped in and got shot, so it's not always presaging an appearance by someone already dead.

    Haven't checked out the Lost Adventure yet, but that new run with Millar and Hithch? Yeah, it's pretty excellent. Maybe not quite as good as the Mark Waid run was, but then I'm severely biased for Waid books so perhaps I just need a couple more issues to be convinced.

    Well then, my point is invalid and wrong. I'm gonna pretend like I never posted it, and feign ignorance. Ah well, it's worth being wrong to see more Fisher Stevens. Something fun about that guy.

    Good eye. I tried to read that blackboard and couldn't make anything out.

    But that was exactly my point, citizengato. The fact that he's a big(ish) name means it's all the more likely that he was hired just for a short bit, since he'd be less likely to commit for a longer term.

    Wow, I can't even tell if you're joking. That pretty well sums up my trouble with Leslie Nielsen from approximately 1994 on.

    Only the second movie I was ever close to walking out of. The first being, "Small Time Crooks." "Marie Antoinette" was simply awful.

    When you ask, can Fisher Stevens be a one-off since bigger names wouldn't be hired for that, I remembered a comment from one of the producers in the season one commentary. They originally hired Michael Keaton to be Jack, whom they were going to kill off at the end of the pilot in an early draft. Make the

    There is no better presenter of Science and Technology awards than Jessica Alba. Maybe Jessica Simpson, but that's it.

    Stop lying, liar. No way is Hollywood this desperate. Unless it's like the way "Pirates of the Carribean" was "based" on the ride.

    Reynolds can pull it off. I submit this to be true.

    Schreiber is fine as an actor, I neither love nor hate him. And Sabretooth never really struck me as that interesting of a character. Yet one playing the other is so wrong it hurts me down to my nerdy, nerdy core.

    I actually do dislike John Redcorn. He always struck me as the one character who didn't have something of a sweet side. Maybe sweet is the wrong word, but even Cotton had his moments, and was funny about it.

    Now, now…
    If you go questioning the judgment of every guy who's videotaped himself having sex with Pam Anderson, you're going to pass judgment on a whole lot of aging rockers.

    Damn it. I saw those pictures and immediately felt guilty about it, figured they MUST be from some later period and, having rationalized my arousal, decided never to speak of being turned on by Jodie Foster. I think I preferred my delusion.

    Ah. Thanks. Well that's OK then, isn't it? Since hipster douchebags are pretty cool people whose taste is above reproach, people who can appreciate irony and who don't care if he can't get a date for Valentine's Day again, that doesn't mean he's just an overweight loser who spends all his time on the internet, he's

    What does this mean?
    Getting above her raisin'? That can't be nearly the awkward sexual maneuver I imagine it to be.

    Ha ha! Way ahead of you there, pal.