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    Any one know if this sort of thing has been written on another site? Maybe recently?

    I wish I lived in a world where I didn't know Nascar celebs…

    Exactly my thinking, Tasha. I figured it must be a good year or more prior to the film's release that people were talking about who to cast.

    I'll grant the Cleese's work was a bright spot in a pile of crap. Still, I can't bring myself to believe that's due to whip smart writing.

    He did try to blow a whole lot of my admiration by suggesting The Out-of-Towners was well written. Didn't succeed, just tried. I'm way too big a nerd to stop idolizing Cleese that easily.

    That mystery non-Life of Brian movie before Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is bugging me. IMDB gives no titles that should require six weeks of press around the time filming would have begun. Surely not Clockwise?

    Haven't had this particular brand, but
    I've had a few varieties of spicy chocolate, and they all left me confused and angry. Do people still say things taste like ass? 'Cause that's really the best description to apply in this case.

    I'm going to go on record as saying I didn't enjoy Perdido Street Station. Wasn't bad, necessarily, just didn't live up to the hype. That could be blamed on first hearing about it in an article titled "Ten Best Sci-Fi Books Ever Written." Maybe going in fresh would have yielded much better results. I think Neuromancer

    I liked the original cut
    I guess I didn't realize I was only one who did.

    Wasn't the appeal of the show the campiness itself? I mean, was anyone watching, tensely wondering if the Team would actually make it out of the current situation alive? "My god," thinks the viewer, "This Mr. T is so REAL. In no way is he a caricature."

    Yep. Great episode. The Devil calling Sam to get him all worked up, pretending to by his girlfriend? Nicely icky.

    Well, if anyone ever does get around to finding out about the hats, I and my size 8+ melon are also interested.

    Love that D&J
    On top of all the other reasons, Dave & Jasmine should deserved to win because of that re-introduction to each other.

    Every comic I've ever read of Loeb's has been excellent, without exception. I like to think this episode would have sucked hard (or harder, depending on your point of view) without his work on it.

    Still worth the read, Gap-Tooth. I also would have accepted, "Life does not stop and start at your convenience…"

    I'm a little embarrassed about this, but I'm loving Cow & Boy. Is that even syndicated? Brevity is also pretty good. Meanwhile, Days of Thunder, Ballard Street, Flight Deck, and The Dinette Set make me angry by continuing to exist.

    And sorry about the non sequitor subject there, I was thinking about Melinda Clarke and forgot to that into the text in any way whatsoever.

    In the pilot it was mostly telekinesis, with a hint that there was more yet to be discovered. After that it was things like objects turning into bugs or Sam getting shocked a lot as clues about the escaped soul. You really ought to watch the pilot if you get the chance, inconsistencies or not. It was pretty awesome.

    mistress heather
    So, the supernatural gifts Sam was given in the pilot became annoyances related to the escaped souls and are now pretty much not even discussed. I guess I don't mind so much since it was never fascinating, just wishing for a little consistency.

    end game
    Were people actually sick of the elimination game? I found it to be consistently entertaining and kept hoping for some twist (other than the one that happened) where it's revealed the games are still not over.