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    There was a moment after Robin said they could just stop drinking beer instead where I was absolutely certain they would all break into simultaneous laughter after a beat. You know, the way 99% of sitcoms would do. Simply not chortling, "That's a good one!" made the joke work for me. OK, so maybe my expectations are

    the gang joins a gym
    That's almost exactly what I was thinking, "The Gang Sweats Their Asses Off". AV Club gets me. I want it to have my baby.

    I'm on board for Venture Brothers, too, although I don't think it's technically off the air yet so much as just really slow between seasons. Regardless: Max Headroom would be awesome.

    Seconding a vote for News Radio. It's the lesser discussed half-brother of Arrested Development, which already gets a lot of time in these forums.

    I wasn't quite sure if his comment about doing your research was actually about the thong or about why he disagreed with the current diagnosis and the timing was just for comedy. Then I realized it was comedic anyway, so quit overthinking it and spoiling the mystery.

    holy crap
    Heroes actually surprised me. That would be embarrassing if I thought about it too much. I was not expecting HRG to be shot after the show faked me out with that flash to Mohinder in the comic painting right before HRG slapped him down, apparently changing his fate. That was seriously bumming me out for a

    Not that I don't enjoy an occasional Carrot Top bit, but…does his comedy really qualify as deep?

    Yeah, I was wondering for the first couple sentences if he was doing both in one take, but it quickly became a full fledged conversation with overlaps, interruptions, etc. Had to listen a second time to actually hear the words, I was distracted with listening to the pacing between the two sides first time around.

    Love 'em or hate 'em, the endless debate about the Simpsons says something about the show and how much people are interested in it. You don't see this kind of heated debate about whether the newer seasons of Two and a Half Men measure up. At least I assume you don't, I'm not about to go looking for that forum.

    Why i love koth, in two sentences
    Almost any other show would have the protagonist developing some empathy for the animals they spend so much time protecting. Hank ends the episode with a smile and a soft, "Delicious."

    Consider me squarely in the "fan for what it has delivered" category
    Darned if I don't continue enjoying the heck out of this show, especially for the marginal stuff. Yes, I, too, hope some of the larger arcs will start to be fleshed out, but if they don't? I'll still be watching gleefully for moments like

    You know you're an ass
    when SAM makes a comment about how you shouldn't be cocky. I'm talking to you, William. Actually, you're right, Sam was being pretty generous with everyone. At least in public.

    gonna have to go ahead and agree 100% here
    The whole idea of the show, other than the prize money, is for the contestants to try and do a little growing. Joshua tries as hard or harder than anyone to break out of his shell. Dave happens to be a little better at it, so I'm torn. They both should win. Dave irritated me

    Say what you will about Cpt. Emo…
    and most of things should rightfully be negative and/or hostile, but at least the kid is about the only one besides Hiro who relishes his power. Nathan just sits around being stoic, and I've been waiting seven freaking seasons for some good flying in Smallville with little payoff so

    Joss who?
    I don't quite get the whole stunt directing thing this show does. Now, I'm excited for anything Joss Whedon does, but the couple episodes he's directed, or those directed by Harold Ramis, just seem like every other episode. A big name director can't exactly inject his/her own style into a show that already

    That challenge is what I look for in this show. John and Jesse cheering each other on, no one feeling smug about winning, being just as concerned about sending the other team home. Not sure if they needed to be there anymore, but darn it all, I liked Erin and Jesse.