
I would believe that the pumpkin spice thing was meant to make us hate Skyler Samuels's character / think she's super lame except that there was no other dialogue that clearly posited her as someone we're supposed to dislike, and Ryan Murphy is not what you'd call subtle.

I don't think Ghostbusters counts as horror. It's a "supernatural comedy," I guess, but it has no horror hallmarks.

Lol no @ Connor being very endearing. MOVING HIMSELF IN WITHOUT A DISCUSSION? What the hell Connor. Oliver is terrible at maintaining boundaries, as much as he tries, and Connor just pushes right on through them as much as he can.

They both like cunnilingus, obvs it is a sign of their true love. Who else could be with such deviants but each other

They use "meta" when talking about THAT CONCEPT, which is more specific than and not always part of post-modernism. It's not about critics being fallible because using the term "meta" to talk about meta-ism is the much better choice than using the term "post-modern," which would be confusing and not quite relevant.

I do think the second one, when Travis left the door open, was defensible on the grounds of being able to make a quick exit if necessary, but then he kind of flubbed it after they followed him in and he choked.

I can't tell if this is a joke or not, but don't worry, that's in another show.

eating's endearing, as long as you stay hot!

Plus, I doubt she was very "complimented" by that. For one, he said "you're good in bed" and she says "I'm GREAT in bed," and two, he says this as part of his implying she's too emotional to do her job, pretty deeply tied with the fact that she's a woman, while also implying that she's probably insecure about her

I feel like blaming Mortimer's Newsroom character on Mortimer is like blaming your fraying wool coat on the sheep. Or something.

And she didn't even avoid it! He caught her, which isn't surprising since she's about half a foot taller than him.

Mayyyybe, but if someone said "it could create a salt," she wouldn't say "What's a salt?" It was just lazy explanation that ended up insulting.

She spoke with rhotacism and a lisp ("thowwy").

She was a child. Believing you were raped for years by your brother is way less of a "self-serving reality" than believing you weren't raping your sister for years is.

Overusage of that bothers me much in the way that Ana Gasteyer's "in my opinion" Good Wife judge bothers me. She has them saying it after facts too! A CRYING SHAME (in my opinion).

Agreed, that question seemed more influenced by the realities of partner violence than his race. I liked the touch of the cop pushing her to say it was him though, very obviously only caring because it would help their prosecution.

Have to say I was disappointed at about minute 3 when I realized Kal Penn wouldn't really be his partner anymore.

ok except let's be clear— charlie looked up and dee looked down

I can't tell if that last sentence is a joke or not. How about last week's Mindy Project? Didn't have to go far back for that one.

Yeah, they should, but I think it's both their "faults" she can't. She definitely makes attempts. And he shushes her. I agree it's painful to watch them unable to communicate, but I think calling her a bitch here isn't really fair.