
I actually really disagree— Brett was making rote motions and even said as much in his yelling speech, that he's just "trying to get through it," and treating her as a distraction to the sex he was trying to do to her (which was extremely well-acted from both of them). Which is I think what her previous attempt a

I don't think she actually particularly does want it rough and hard (and the last attempt where she tried to go so far from regular discouraged her from that) or even want the sexual logistics changed, she just thinks that changing it up might engage him (or, she wants him to change it up, as a sign that he is

He's been pretty weaselly from the beginning. You shouldn't be owed a relationship with someone just because you've "put in time." He never really seemed to respect her, and I think she got that when she broke up with him. And he's doing a worse and worse job of seeming like he does.

I'm a news anchor on the side.

She still may.

Honestly, she'd probably be a wayyy better mayor than school administrator, considering that developmental and behavioral disabilities, and her son, are directly involved with the latter, and she has no idea how to deal with those. Plus, you can do a lot less right as a mayor and not be the worst in the mayoral

Plus, after asking if she was sure, he actually did sign in that last scene, before the smooching.

OMG they're clones of Mrs. S. Solved iiiit!