
You are better off throwing bullets at someone than shooting at them with a Klobb. negative 10 health-pistols-basement-2 on 2- with a pizza box taped to the middle of the screen so you cant see where the bastards are.

The walking on water thing is real as far as I know. http://www.youtube.com/watc… They call it liquid mountaineering. Which, now that I think about it, sound hella fake.

Seriously, McNutt is the man. I first heard him on the /filmcast years ago, and I have read his blog Cultural Learning ever since. Great to see him on AVCLub.

You the man McNutt!
That is all.

Bourne Identity
The more I hear about the making of that film the more I am amazed that it even got finished.

It's so sad that this great article about classic sitcoms has to be surrounded by ads for what will probably be the worst sitcom of all time.

The Descent was awesome. Best American horror movie in ages.


So you're saying Levi Johnston is all that stands between America and Madame President? Weep for your children.

So it looks like the people who thought Lost was about the afterlife in Season 1 were on the right track. I think that the writers changed what they were doing after the show became so popular and so many people guessed the afterlife/purgatory angle. The writers always said that they made the story they wanted to tell

Agreed. But Kara chose the song.

I smell
Box Office Gold!

Warren Oates and War on Oates,
Please do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up. Thank you.

I like most of the movies on this list. Be Kind Rewind is fine as is, while Human Nature would be better with different actors.

@min alskaren Because we have had 6 seasons to see why Jack or whoever would finally choose to do Jacob's job for him. With Jacob and Smokey we get 30 minutes and what they present just doesn't seem sufficient to me.

That's fine for the show in general but tonight the ride kind of sucked.

All I want to know is why we should care about the magical Island, the rest can go unanswered. Yes, we care about the characters on the magical Island, but if that's all there is there is no need for the Island to be magic.

It's the Egyptian game Senet, according to James Poniewozik. Supposedly the oldest known board game, and no one in modern times knows the rules.

I agree, this episode was a C at best. I thought the acting was pretty bad except for Titus Welliver. I know everyone gives Janney a pass, but she wasn't really that good. Did you feel anything other than puzzlement for all the crazy shit she did? And did you feel anything when Smokey stabs her? Mark Pellegrino must

Who the fuck eats mac-n-cheese with ketchup?