
I got Skyrim this week. My life is so fucked.

Does this mean you want to be fucked to death by Dane Cook?

They talked about him but got the number of movies wrong.

Barry was the Bo Jackson of real life.

Guess what? They can't actually make you pay for this (for now, at least).

Truer words have never been spoken.

Only in Amsterdam.

Can't we all just agree that 30 Rock has about a 3 great : 2 good : 1 terrible ratio of episodes.

Everyone says that Fly doesn't advance the storyline of the season. That is crazy! In one episode they repair the relationship between Walt and Jesse enough to make the whole end of the season work. Character arcs are part of the storyline.

This is cool. Great use of CG and SFX given the limitations in place.

Eyes Wide Shit is my least favorite Kubrick film and I still love it.

Loved it. Go team.


I refuse to defend the Wire anymore. It's off the air and it's never coming back. If you don't want to watch it, your loss. Also, we can't be friends anymore.

as not and. Damn you invisible edit button.

As long and Pattinson and Stewart get the leads we should be ok.

It's the gift that keeps on giving.

I'm pretty sure Tobolowsky's last shit had more profundity than the last 10 years of woodandiron's life.

Apparently Captain Cool didn't hear about Inception.

Are we having fun yet?