
Good luck Amelie. Go spread your hatred throughout the world. If you could make The Office suck less that would be great too.

@Larson You can't leave out Calvin and Hobbes.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with Apple lately?

For the record
OJ and Sprite is pretty damn good.

I hate the characters in Parenthood more than any other show I have ever watched.

Sivertson knew exactly what he was doing. This movie is just Bad Lieutenant : Port of Call New Orleans with a lesser director and a much lesser actor.

To the death
I would pay so much money to see Malick v. Herzog in a cage match about the role of nature in film.

Yes he likes to have metal rods shoved in his peehole. Sounds like a great time.

Holy shit that dude should be locked up somewhere.

Can we all agree now that Ilana might be the most worthless character since Poochy?

Deltron 3030 bitches.

This video did remind me that I used to think she was hot.

The Great Mouse Detective was the first movie I ever saw in theaters. Fidget scared the shit out of me.

Admit it Gillette, you love the Oprah.

Tina Fey
I smell Tina Fey related grade inflation.

Let it die
If we stop talking about it maybe it will go away. Then we wouldn't have Jennifer Hudson messing up "One Shining Moment"

So why did Sayid let the lady geophysicist go? Is this a sign that he still has some form of agency even in his zombie state?

I've decided to make a list of people who didn't like this episode and completely ignore anything they have to say about Lost ever again.

End of the method
Angelina Jolie is leading a cinematic revolution against method acting. She is helping us return to the days where Humphrey Bogart, Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant would play themselves in every movie they were in. Either that or she is a terrible actress with no range. You be the judge.