
I get so excited when The A.V. Club does pieces on musical theatre, and then get crushed when I find the shit they choose to cover. You have a week of musical theatre songs and you choose "Broadway, Here I Come" and "Sunset Boulevard"? From the entire selection, you choose them?! Are you fucking kidding me?!

I noticed on rewatching that they wave away the conflict with 'The End of Time' with the following dialogue during the 'last day of the time war' flashback:

I completely agree with the sentiment in this review, but I wish it wasn't such a chore to read. The writer's tone comes off as childish and whiny, and it feels more like a rant than a review. As much as there are consistent problems with the show, and it can be hard to find new ways to express those problems week to

Was it just me, or was the lip-syncing particularly bad this episode?

So I just re-watched the first episode again, purely to get the Josh context, and realized just how much was taken from/paying homage to the first episode:

So I just re-watched the first episode again, purely to get the Josh context, and realized just how much was taken from/paying homage to the first episode:

After watching the ethical dilemmas that arise in Breaking Bad, I can no longer watch them be attempted in any other TV show and not think that they could have been done better. When watching this, all I could compare it to was "…And the Bag's in the River", and think about how very little they examined any of the

After watching the ethical dilemmas that arise in Breaking Bad, I can no longer watch them be attempted in any other TV show and not think that they could have been done better. When watching this, all I could compare it to was "…And the Bag's in the River", and think about how very little they examined any of the

I can't believe I'm about to type this, but here goes: I'd give this episode of Weeds an A.

I can't believe I'm about to type this, but here goes: I'd give this episode of Weeds an A.

Shapeship? SHAPESHIP?!

Shapeship? SHAPESHIP?!

True that.

True that.

With the death of Bane, it just seemed so un-special. They had built him up to be this powerhouse of a fighting machine, when really, if Catwoman can just burst in with a gun, there's no reason why any rouge bullet in the big fight with the police wouldn't have done the job just as well. Perhaps it wasn't 'superhero'

With the death of Bane, it just seemed so un-special. They had built him up to be this powerhouse of a fighting machine, when really, if Catwoman can just burst in with a gun, there's no reason why any rouge bullet in the big fight with the police wouldn't have done the job just as well. Perhaps it wasn't 'superhero'

Was it just me, or did Bane's death feel rushed and not at all cathartic? One minute he's there, about to kill Batman, and the next it's all, "well he's dead, lets move on!", despite the fact that he'd been build up to be the major villain in the film. His plan didn't seem to be that clear either - he was terrorizing

Was it just me, or did Bane's death feel rushed and not at all cathartic? One minute he's there, about to kill Batman, and the next it's all, "well he's dead, lets move on!", despite the fact that he'd been build up to be the major villain in the film. His plan didn't seem to be that clear either - he was terrorizing

Ted's bald now too?

Ted's bald now too?