
The '100' rating means very little. In fact, most of the ratings on Metacritic for TV shows are very tenuous, as the reviews they use to calculate the scores are usually only reviewing the pilot (or, in this case the first 2 episodes). How you can rate a highly serialized show like BB (or as Nathan Israel pointed out,

The '100' rating means very little. In fact, most of the ratings on Metacritic for TV shows are very tenuous, as the reviews they use to calculate the scores are usually only reviewing the pilot (or, in this case the first 2 episodes). How you can rate a highly serialized show like BB (or as Nathan Israel pointed out,

I watch this show in the hope that some day Doug gets unceremoniously murdered. He's been useless since Season 3, yet every time the writers bring him back, I feel like yelling at the screen.

I watch this show in the hope that some day Doug gets unceremoniously murdered. He's been useless since Season 3, yet every time the writers bring him back, I feel like yelling at the screen.

I thought this was the best episode of the series so far.

I thought this was the best episode of the series so far.



My Proposed Breakdown of Book 3
[BOOK 3 SPOILERS]Some part of me thinks that the deaths of the 3 Kings (Balon, Robb and Joffrey) should all be in the 3rd season, just to give it some thematic weight. I have no idea how they'd do it (a lot of other plotlines might have to be pushed back), but I think if the series began

My Proposed Breakdown of Book 3
[BOOK 3 SPOILERS]Some part of me thinks that the deaths of the 3 Kings (Balon, Robb and Joffrey) should all be in the 3rd season, just to give it some thematic weight. I have no idea how they'd do it (a lot of other plotlines might have to be pushed back), but I think if the series began

My Proposed Breakdown of Book 3

My Proposed Breakdown of Book 3

Has this season been the best of Mad Men so far? Why, I think it has.

Has this season been the best of Mad Men so far? Why, I think it has.

Had the Peggy/Ken pact been mentioned before?

Was anyone else freaked out when Sally first spoke?

This is by far one of the best films I have ever seen.