Mr. Hollywood

The world is pretty boring, that's for sure.

It would be a hell of a thing.

How do you expect them to get photos of their grandkittens?

We're so violent and smelly. And why don't we pick up after ourselves?

They may be pervs, but they're not liars.

Old people are the worst.

Everybody who doesn't comment here.

Whatever you say, chief.


Who are these sources?
— Jerry Woodward Seinfeld

They'll pull everything.

I get the feeling that people have just stopped saying they're going to vote for Trump in order to avoid conflict. Should be an interesting election.

I am not.

Hopefully not their best shots.

Stay out of Mexico!

Hah. That's a good one.

People who don't want to kill babies shouldn't do it. Seems like a pretty simple solution.

It's somebody unliked by Dennis Miller.

Is she still around?

A stillbirth would fit right in with this show.