Mr. Hollywood


It's a little derivative.

Good thing Winehouse had music therapy to help her with her mental issues.

He should have made fun of that gypsy who does those "thinner" curses.

"Waiting for approval" means it will be a cold day in hell before that post ever sees the light of day.

Sounds like a simple oopsie-daisy that we can all experience sometime. I'm sure Mr. Douglas is a good guy.

Eddie Van Halen got it from Valerie Bertinelli.

Tell your mom you're moving out the first of the year.

"Michael, my sensors are picking up a disturbance on the road ahead."

That's where Douglas got it.

He should know. He used to be a doctor.

I think somebody's calling you a fucking liar.

Don't make me think about my tongue.

He's a Christian Scientologist, because his hearing isn't so good.

He wasn't wrong about Kilmer looking like shit, though.

He seems like an okay guy, although he's probably beaten up his share of women and said bad things about minorities, because, you know… 2016.

If you're looking for a moral, you need only ask.

If science has shown us nothing else, it's that we're all just an asteroid flash away from complete destruction.

Sure, sure. Rich tapestry and all that.
