Mr. Hollywood

You need to try Eastworld.

I've been waiting for this so long. I even risked that brain surgery so that I might live to see the day this album was released. Now I can die. It's been a trip. Good times. Bad times. You know I've had my share. But my woman left home with another man and I still don't seem to care.

He's an American, not an Ameri-can't.

I suppose it might happen if I was caught by surprise and I was too drunk to drive home at the moment.

We're a long way off. That's why they call it fiction.

Wembly, wombly, wambly.

But that will never happen.

I assume burning someone's genitals with a blowtorch.

Just different enough to avoid a lawsuit.

He welded his entire 1993 album, Torch Songs and Sarongs.

Pfft. You don't know his back catalog.

That's not Bowie. Besides, when am I ever going to use that?

A lot of doctors and nurses are robots.

And women say it's hard to find a nice guy.

He's working on a different system.

I'm pretty sure that's King Vitaman.

A poyson can develop a cold.

It's true. Irradiated meat lasts pretty much indefinitely.

Salted Nut Roll FTW

"Everybody wants to get in on the act."
— Jimmy Durante