Mr. Hollywood

If you still consider yourself to be an entertainer, you need to just accept it as part of the job.

"Yeah, uh, thanks… Mr. Lewis. See, I forgot your name there for a second, just like everybody else will about five minutes after you're dead. Have a nice day."

Did they reinstall Vegas Vic from the old Pioneer Club? But this time with LEDs instead of neon?


Paralysis and amputations but still hanging in there. Somebody must have enjoyed life.

You're fired! You're fired! And you're fired!

My people call it maize.


The Greeks did perfectly fine with plays where the actors actually wore masks over their faces. You don't get more archetypal than that.

A better innovation might be to throw in a curve at the end, like: "Shut your fuck!"

The early 70s was pretty bad. The bulk of the movie industry decided that they wanted to go for more gritty realism with ugly heroes, and they made great movies that nobody wanted to see — Dog Day Afternoon, Taxi Driver, etc.

Compared to the other Internet, sure.

True of everything. That's what "average" and "mediocre" mean. Common, ordinary. Not everything is spectacular and life-changing.

Jim Beam 2: On the Rocks

Nothing wrong with the movie industry. It still makes plenty of money.

White or Idris Elba.

And Roomy Nara.

He has a jacket made from my mom's old sofa.

— Neil deGrasse Tyson

An actor who doesn't act is an audience.