Mr. Hollywood

No, man, that was their act. Kermit was always all kinds of messed up.

There's a kind of strange undercurrent of patriotism to them that I've never been comfortable with. Bands in military style uniforms and old veterans. Waving beauty queens to show everybody what we're fighting for. Car dealerships displaying the latest models so you'll stay on the consumerism course.

"Someday you'll find it…"
"Well, 'someday' is what people say when they mean 'never'."

I'm guessing that emotion wins out over intellect, which is a false dichotomy in anyone's book.

Mars. What a shithole.

Put the girl in a gifted program or she'll just flounder around unhappily for years trying to figure out what to do with herself, and all that genius will be wasted.

Kermit was always two paychecks away from being a bitter, homeless alcoholic.

The Mighty Favog or GTFO.

Nice World Trade Center.

I've seen it there, but not here until now.

Are they underserved? Who determines that? Is it unfair if they are not exactly represented according to their percentage in the general population? Who made up that rule?

Black Panthers walk like this…

Eh. Far too often have I sat through a stunningly unfunny Simpsons episode only to find out that it was written by Dana Gould. I know they have a 50 person writing staff, but still… come on.

It would be nice to see them both crash and burn later this month. I don't know what we'd get after that, but it would be worth checking out.

We should go to war with South America, Monroe Doctrine be damned. I think we can take 'em.

He thinks like me do!

"Billy Bush" sounds more like a sidekick.

Fine. I wasn't all that busy, anyway.
