Mr. Hollywood

Racism is still an issue.

He is Ted McGinley's brother.

On the equator on a Martian summer day it can get to be about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Other than that, though, it's real brass monkey weather.

Severely underrated.

Jimi Hendrix's live at Berkeley version of "Hear My Train A'Comin'." Right after that little guitar/vocal intro, he slides down and hits that low "E," and into the primary theme with Noel Redding and Mitch Mitchell rolling along with him. He plays better than he actually can, and almost makes me take him seriously

You mean I can't really walk off the edge of the screen and appear from the opposite side?

Overeducated people with poor social skills like the idea of traveling to another planet where they can be famous but don't have to deal with the filthy masses.

There does seems to be a lot more pain in this universe than necessary.

I've seen people attempt that, but it generally ends badly for them. I think the problem is that there may already be too many players crapping up the program with their own ad hoc rules.

That's your answer to everything.

George Carlin always said that if you look at existence and postulate the existence of God, the best you could say about him is that he's an under-achiever.

Sociologist Emile Durkheim said that if you think something is real, and it has consequences in the "real" world, then it's essentially real. And since nobody can truly step back from their lives and view it objectively, we're all stuck with what we've got.

Quite so. All you need to do is simulate a universe to the extent a simulated individual could experience it.

Anything to get the monkey off your back. Good luck, man.

Michael Bay's Theorem is that you'll like it if more shit blows up.

Maybe YOU can't.

How could you ever tell?

That dam collapsing, maybe.

Don't expect dental plan coverage on Mars.