Mr. Hollywood

Well, lah dee dah.

She dresses like one!

That would be so far down the list it would be the equivalent of a Newswire comment post past the 200 comment mark.

And he was roughly as strong as an average woman.


They're a great for heartburn. Giving it to you, that is.

White guys playing jazz. The rhythm is all off.

And I hide my gray hair. Her other option was to not have children in the first place.

So, confirmation.

Don't be sad it's ending.
Be happy that it happened.
— some Friendface bullshit

They never got Repo Man.

Why choose intelligence as the parameter by which you choose whether or not to eat something?

You go back to prison.

I agree. Cows are mean and dumb, not necessarily in that order.

Sounds like the problem isn't cows. It's too damn many people.

Is it going to take them three years to stop production?

Eh. What'a ya gonna do? Give up living?

As a rule, we generally have more feelings of protection for animals/people with whom we more closely genetically resemble. The farther we get away from our own families and races and species, the less likely we are to give a shit about their survival over our own.

That's what makes them so adorable!

There's going to be a lot of leftovers.