Mr. Hollywood


Another Robert Redford movie.

It has the most accurate news about Syria.

I've heard a lot of great things about Getaway, the non-stop action thriller starring Ethan Hawke and Selena Gomez in a breakout role.  I should easily order my tickets in advance through Fandango.

*long-lost mother appears*
"Now wait just a goddamned second!"

But… Oprah.

I think many people miss the pro-feminist elements in Rape Stove.

I'm sure you mean "Bares."

For fading actresses, it's either this is or a superhero's sidekick.


Uh… well… *cough*…

It's just a bed, not a Pussy Wagon.

Probably Luke.  All the odd stuff is in Luke.

He can still make it up with a quick O.D.!


This show is DEAD to everybody cool I know in Hollywood.  Like the faint aroma of Bruce Vilanch when he leaves a room.

"Trope" as in "desperate gimmick?"  I guess they used to have decent ratings.

It already is.

Lucille Ball was not tragic.

Is this show still on?  Imagine that.