Mr. Hollywood

"I'm with Meh!"

You may remember Eugene Hutz from such bands as The Oneeders, and Smacking Plump Kids.

Like your toothbrush!

There are no winners.  Only survivors.

You have made several cogent points.

Or Conan O'Brien.

How could Bill Pullman ever be Mr. Wrong?

Proudly carrying the dull banner for bland lesbianism.

They do oral, but not on purpose.

One of the many problems The Walking Dead has is that the main characters have gotten particularly adept at killing zombies, and as a result, they're less of a threat than they ordinarily would be.  They're more a nuisance.  The only time they get dangerous is when there are a whole lot of them, or one of the

Well, no use trying to build a lot of hotels.  No renters.

Go to jail, get 1/3 of your group killed periodically.

uhhhh… must buy shit

The artwork looks stiff.

Und so weider.

Stephen King is in my opinion one of the best at creating fake character names.  They're unique enough so they don't seem generic, but they also steer clear of being foolishly Dickensian. 

I already have half a short story done entitled, "Kurt Vonnegut Sucked My Balls Dry."  I think they'll really be interested!

The classiest way this kind of thing was ever done was when Jack Soo, the actor who played Detective Sargeant Nick Yamana on Barney Miller, died suddenly.  They just had the cast sitting on the set, out of character, talking about what a good, funny and talented guy he was, and then they played some clips to

I'm thinking maybe auto erotic asphyxiation.

Thanks for the gift horse, but Jesus look at those teeth!