Mr. Hollywood

Nobody even knows what you're talking about.

In my experience volume is inversely proportional to quality.

And then you pooped.

I don't even know how many people hate me.

*feels a sense of satisfaction and purpose in existence*

Well, I guess that's what happens.

It wouldn't be fun, except he had a premonition earlier that he would die by getting sliced in two.

Did you know 20 dollar bills sparkle when you burn them?  Something to do with the anti-forgery features.

I would think that you would want to give sex offenders all the Internet time they wanted, then they could just yank themselves to death.

I thought he was trying to fool people at Comic-Con.

Sexy Buck Rogers adventures.

A joke can only take a limited number of levels of separation before it loses its humorous connection.

We need more credit.

Then why not Stephen Mangan?

The IT Doctor

Somebody dig up Rik Mayall!


That's an oldie but goodie.

Well, it's mean.

Why create fan fiction when you can just change the names, call it original fiction, and possibly make a few bucks from it?