Mr. Hollywood

I'll be your editor!

I agree.  Ever since the Milk Riots of the 1930's, we've all pretty much decided regardless of political party that we'd rather have people sitting idle in front of a TV than out in the streets fighting policemen.

*raises fists to the sky*

It says "adults," CM!  Learn to read more than one letter at a time!

Monteith didn't live long enough to do any ridiculous antics, so he gets more sympathy.

Peter Dinklage?

Loved?  One?

*posting response to comment, waiting a few minutes to check back and see if anyone responded to my comment*

It doesn't add up!

Well, certainly, Hollywood would never say bad things about anybody directly, because everybody wants to be nice and not offend anyone who might give them a job.  The most you'll get is some banal, "He was a troubled person."  Or some shit like that. 

Shall… we… play… a… game?
Third… prize… is… you're… fired.

Tell your mom to shove her Drop Dead Diva up her ass.

My grandfather was named Otto Drivethru.

They are really old.



That's why you should be a pharmacy major.

When you're on a TV show
Doing heroin and blow… Diarrhea!

I think it would be nice if the rest of the cast appeared in a little segment at the beginning of the show and basically said, "Here was this guy who had everything going for him, and he did drugs and died, and fuck that loser."

We are all very sad. 
*Female cast members (the non-gay ones) attempt crying*