Mr. Hollywood

The "T" stands for "The."

"Who's Semen is it Anyway?"

I'm just glad to see Matt Groening finally getting some monetary reward for his work.

They stuff their underwear into the the piano case.

I will be unable to attend.

Umlauts are for fägs!

He doesn't look that way any more.

Solution:  Mask under a mask.

And Dodge RAM commercials!

Sounds to me like somebody don't know what "doppelgangers" means.

When it comes to costumes, proper footwear makes all the difference.  Captain Kirk didn't wear no fucking Reeboks!

Now I'm gonna have to kill you!

Let me have a Three Musketeers, and a ball point pen, and one of those
combs there, a pint of Old Harmon, a couple of flash light batteries and
some beef jerky.

Better than 90 percent of the other Comic-Con costumes.

I'm guessing you were a big fan of The Hunger.

If it wasn't for convenience or coincidence, most stories would end after Act 1.

Cartoons in the 70s sucked big time.  They were all taken over by the hippies who demanded that they be non-violent and educational.  Hence all the time travel.  Additionally, they got very expensive prior to computer animation coming into play, and they looked horrible.  Voltron level horrible.

I vaguely remember it sucking, although that was in an alternate timeline.  Although, how can I remember something if it never existed, unless the key to the whole time travel thing is perception and point of view.  Oh, but then we get into movies like Somewhere in Time with Christopher Reeve.

That kid steals the movie.

Holy tits!