Mr. Hollywood

We all hate him and Sinbad, just for being so damned likable.

Standard Hollywood third act is for the hero to step up his game, get more clever, and fight to bring the evildoer to justice.

You stupid!

We da men in black bay-beeeee
We back agin to save da earf
Fum all kina aliens it our home turf
Doo dah doo dee whoop dee doop

I don't know.  Is your DVR full of colorful, spinning lights, or does it pretty much just sit there? 

Was that on?  I wish they would have done more advertising for it!

TCM — Once again playing awful shit.

Knowing that David Duchovny is a sex addict in real life gives the show a bittersweet note.

Needs more pinstriping.

Why?  Tommy Lee Jones was old.  It was no country for him.  So he gave up.



He was stealing way too many scenes.

He is very nice.  I was walking down Hollywood Boulevard the other day and he playfully hit me with a small foam play ball.  He laughed and said, "Welcome to Nerf!"

What do you think?

It's okay.  I can still judge a movie by a single still.

I sort of glad this video is no longer available.

Pick a side, man.  That way you instantly cut the number of people who hate you by half.

So what you're saying is, quality if you can't find quantity.

With all the people in the world now worse than Hitler, Hitler is finally approaching respectability.