Mr. Hollywood

Those Japanese have no honor!

There really is a heaven!  I learned that from a little brain damaged kid!

Mmmm… Primordial soup.

Everybody knows Buddha is in charge of the weather.  Allah is in charge of cows, I think.  Maybe ants.

It's sad and perhaps a little old to admit it, but adding naked breasts does not automatically raise the quality of a crappy TV show.

When I'm jonesing for daily Bon Iver news, I know AV Club will always be there to hook me up.

My dislike of pretty much everything makes me dislike all original programming on Showtime and HBO, with the exception perhaps of Dave's Old Porn.

He is his own grandpa.

The responses here are giving me Dennis Miller flashbacks.

Marijuana is magic for your skin.

Remember when Topher Grace was a big deal in movies?

Batman is also known (although not so well) as
"The Whispering Giblet."

I applaud them for not contributing to the whole ding dong where an interesting show is cancelled quickly, giving rise to a bunch of losers always crying and saying how great it was.  They run a show until everybody is good and sick of it.

I'm pretty sure that Bill Maher is coloring his hair.  I saw him a while back and his hair was completely snow white.

No, you can really like them.  It's just not a good idea to "oh, my god this is the greatest thing ever I'm going to badger all my friends about it/them and buy a coffee mug related to it/them" like them.  Nothing's all that great.

I only just glance at the music videos in the gym.

I don't have that one.  My talk is about how it's okay to be a fan, but not a fanatic who thinks anything or anyone (artist or politician) is "phenomenal."

I don't like anything.  It's just easier that way.

Univision has a competing show debuting in the same time slot called ¡Jason!

I've been watching 30 Rock syndicated reruns, and it only made me wonder why people liked it in the first place.