Mr. Hollywood

Cheetah the chimp from the old Tarzan movies dies at age 80.  That's the only entertainment news that matters today.

I believe that Caprica was poisoned by LOST, which at the time was enthralling people by presenting a lot of action without explanations.  That turned out to be a bad move.

After the start of the third hour of The Dark Knight, I kind of lost track of what was going on.

Grumble grumble koalas grumble…

What about one of the other former female movies stars who whored themselves out to be superhero second bananas?

Cell phone ass.

They all ripped off Lifeforce, anyway.

Well, that's just dumb.  The alien looked like it did because it morphed itself to look like that Space Jockey dude.  Who knows what the thing looked like before that?  I imagine it looked a lot like a Hello Kitty.

Somebody finds an alien.  They run from it.  Most of them get killed.  What do you need, a road map?

Was it for Hancock?

Andromeda was almost as good as Farscape.

Depending on the size of the ant, it might be too small to be affected by microwaves which are about [—] that big.

Charles Nelson Reilly

True.  That movie made a ton of money.

We'll keep it around in case you change your mind.

He appears to be glowing gold in the above image. 
Is he radioactive in this one, like Spider-Man, or is that just his awesomeness?

Batman gets his back broken.
Is replaced by the Chimney Swift.
Who is joined by gymkata expert Robin.
And Gordon becomes Commissioner somehow.
The Riddler.

In an effort to keep up with the kids these days, I tried whittling an iPhone.  It doesn't whittle very good.  And now I'm going to take a nap.

This sounds like a capital idea!

That's a vuvuzela!