Mr. Hollywood

If it was a matter of not getting burned at the stake, I'd be in church every Sunday and singing in the choir.  I don't want to get burned alive.

Fortunately he will be dead soon along with Billy Graham.

Everything is ordinary, boring and lame.  Now there's a philosophy I can get behind.

As an ordained minister, I like to tell people that while the traditional texts will tell you that dogs don't have souls, if you are good and go to Heaven, then the people and things you love will be there with you, and that will include your good doggie.  So no worries.

Yeah, but if the woman's son was evil, and he was sent to Hell, the Devil could send him up to to mess with his mother.  So it would be her son, just sent from someplace else.  So there's where his ordinarily impeccable logic falls down.

He almost died a while back.  Maybe he's up for it now.

Pat Robertson is a huge SNL fan, but dammit that just went too far!

It's jazz, man.

That's a good career move!

I read that in an article somewhere.  Oh, yeah, now I remember.

I already do!

Great to create the crater crate and the greater grater rater.

You are like a robot man from the future or something.

The show was illustrative of the principle that just because a show is different doesn't guarantee that it's any good.  It can ride for a while on quirk and being unusual, but eventually it has to pull itself together and produce something compelling. 


He probably makes more money than you'll ever see.

Did they ever make any money from their dog sitting business?

I don't like the show since Busy Philips lost so much weight.  If she's going to play a sleazy whore, she needs to zaftig it up a little.

I think that means he's turning into a girl.