Mr. Hollywood

Too bad she won't live. 
But then again, who does?

It's all about the suit, anyway.

Yeah.  Batman is pretty ridiculous and doesn't hold up well to any kind of serious scrutiny.

Yes.  Gotham and the entire area is built over a series of caves, which is why the Batcave exists.

From what I remember about being jammed into a football uniform, it's ridiculously noisy and distracting running with all the pads bouncing and crashing just makes it worse.  I remember barely being able to throw or catch the ball.

Silver Age Batman would occasionally crack a smile and the world didn't end as a result of it.

That partially explains the cane.


Don't say that or you'll get the National Alliance of Retarded People marching around in front of the place with horribly misspelled signs.

Is that a negative stereotype, or just what they do?

Tyler Perry has simply found a way to transfer the themes and characters (possibly caricatures) or regional touring black theater to the big screen, and there's been a bit of cognitive dissonance accompanying it.  His movies are generally not intended for white audiences, and a white audience will often misinterpret

Could you restate your answer so that it is less serious?

These activists should just stay with encouraging people not to drive drunk and stay out of things they know nothing about.

I thought they'd all be drinking thick warm beer and ogling strumpets with their tits out and, "Eer now, guvna!  Wot's ol' this representysional cinemar, then?"

There's a reason why some stories are movies and some are series. 
Something about beginnings, middles and endings.

That hardly includes the Mexicans.

I find In-N-Out Burger's fare to be highly overrated.  Including the soggy french fries. Not only that, the name would imply that it's a rapid experience, however, I find it takes an ungodly time just to get a simple hamburger and a large lemonade.  You can do better at a Carl's Jr.

It was a horror movie, albeit a slow one.  You would think black people would enjoy it.  Perhaps they were put off by the lesbian scenes.

How I detest poorly represented Hollywood.

Speaking of which, is there anyone out there re-watching old LOST episodes on DVD or Netflix because they are so compelling?