Mr. Hollywood

It's just another tax on the 99%.

FORD F-150!

That's the worst deal ever.

I see where you're coming from.

It's not lousy if you enjoy being depressed!

I think most people would be surprised at how much stand-up comedy is the absolute truth, and barely exaggerated for comic effect.

I remember reading an article by Maria Bamford where she candidly talks about how much a comedian makes these days, even if they're relatively famous.  She said she makes a living wage, although mostly from voice-over work, and the average working comic is lucky to make around $50,000.00 a year, which considering the

There used to be one, but I'm too lazy to look up where and when it was broadcast.  Retro News or something of the like, rebroadcasting the daily news from 1965 or something.

Yes, who would imagine that men of a certain age would eventually grow up in an embarrassing stagnated adolescence (without a decent war to knock it out of them) that would make this trifling foolishness worth money.

So, basically, no big loss.

Curiously enough, it actually was a disposable children's show.  So it was perfectly okay that they destroyed the tapes.

Their famous "Alive" album was done almost entirely in the studio, as their live performances were nothing but loud and horrible.

She may yet grow up to take full advantage of her celebrity upbringing and become a talented, respected actor who wins accolades and awards from her peers and the general public.

Only for mocking purposes. It's Lifetime, after all.

And Hottentots.

I'm reasonably certain that basic cable nudity is regulated the same as all broadcast nudity, in that as long as the program carries the appropriate TV Rating and is aired (cabled?) at the appropriate time, all bets are off.  All televisions sold in the United States incorporate an easy to program V-Chip by law, and

She needs to fire her agent.  Or hire one.  Or something.

Sure.  Most rapes are just simple misunderstandings.

I remember college.

I wish there was a compendium of quotes from The Simpsons television program that I could easily access and peruse to find appropriate and humorous responses to certain posts.