
I had never seen Friends before it was dropped on Netflix. It took three months, but I marathoned the whole thing.

I suppose I'm in the minority for actually wishing the show had started slower. In my dream version of this show, the first episode would have spent the bulk of its running time as a family drama indistinguishable from something that would be on Lifetime except for the last 10 minutes which would have been the same

I thought this was really good. Perhaps not as good as the original's premier, but certainly better than your average Walking Dead episode. This has certainly done at least one thing better than the actual show…I think of these characters as real people that I care about, which I think should be important for a show

Not quitr, but Truman offered to return to the Vice Presidency on an Ike led ticket if the GOP nominated MacArthur and Ford offered to be at the bottom of Reagan's ticket in 80 in exchange for a co-presidency.

Sounds like Hufflepuff. They're notable for having their Dorms near the kitchens.

From a logical standpoint, they should all really be having sex with each other to mix the gene pool up as much as possible. Monogamous pairings in this scenario is impractical.

Good show, good episode. Man, this charter school nonsense is aggravating. None of these people are teachers.

See Loreen in action throughout this episode made Hannah's whole…Hannahness make a lot more sense. She is her mother's daughter.

What's wrong with comic books? Saga is excellent.

The crossguard is obviously more practical than the original version….especially if the light is pass through the crossguard and not created by it, which is clearly the case. Even if every hand that got cut off in the movies was through a clean cut, it would still make sense to put in a crossguard as it would change

This might be the show's best episode. A hallucinatory farewell to the illusion of humanity that we've used to distinguish ourselves from the animals. Very effective.

It's a good story well told…unfortunately it just so happens to be incredibly racist. I saw it once in college and found it kind of amazing how engrossed I became with it. Sure, when the later sequences went super problematic it's hold on me was broken, but…it's not a bad movie. And that's kind of the hard part about

The investigation of Dol Guldor was consistently the best thing in these movies. And the removal of Tauriel turns this back into a sausage fest. I think the issues would have been greatly reduced if Legolas was the one who wasn't around. I'm find with the opening, but I can see how that could go.

I think the response to Gordon splashing water on the device perfectly encapsulates how people respond to the show in general. If you love that silly solution to a pretty serious problem, you're on board with this. If you didn't, you aren't. Man, I loved that. This whole show feels like some of the weird

Should be on this list: The Comeback: Valerie Gets What She Really Wants.

Having seen the episode, I'd say it wasn't as bad as all that. It's greatest sin was having an Alicia plotline that was super boring, with only the occasional flashes of brilliance in her response to the reporter's question. I actually really liked Peter's plotline the best as you can see him trying to engineer his

A weaker showing than usual ,but I'm glad the show is back.

As an MST3K fan I was charmed by this episode. Sure, it wasn't spectacular, but it made me laugh throughout. So that's a B for aBove average Clip Show.

It was definitely the best episode since the season premiere where I had been briefly tricked into thinking this season going to be better. This was my favorite episode of the show in a long, long time. Probably since Alex's favorite grandmother died at the end of season 4.

A great finale that made me wish the show was coming back next year. My girlfriend is right though, this show has great premieres and finales, but always gets so muddled around the middle. Maybe people would have enjoyed the show more if it could have just been consistent.