
Studio 60's big albatross around its neck was the show within the show. The show they wrote for just wasn't funny, and it hurt the actual show. It didn't help that 30 Rock also just started, I think, and lampooned the same subject matter in a more effortless way. All that being said, I do like that show.

Having watched the episode, which is the worst in the season, the problem isn't the one presented. The problem is Aaron Sorkin creating characters and a situation to have a philosophical discussion. The points were fine and both sides were presented well, and its something that needs to be talked about..just not like

I usually like the Newsroom, but I acknowledge that it has some problems. I wish I had the chance to see the episode, because it sounds like a case where I might theoretically agree with the decision they make on the show but find their reasoning incredibly unsound. There is an argument to be made about the

Agree with you 100%. You said it a lot better than in my own post defending the finale.

And I would say that you can like a finale without necessarily liking the decisions the character made. The show ended in the truest way it could have to be consistent with the way the story unfolded…with mood whiplash and unreliable narration. In the end, Ted learned, finally, that the One is whoever you are with

Obligatory post about how How I Met Your Mother's finale is actually good and will be better remebered in time. Why else would Ted be telling this story, and in this fashion, if this exact capper wasn't the case. I think people misconstrue older people reconnecting after divorce/death, without certainty or

I originally gave this episode a B+, as while I enjoyed the episode I thought it dragged a bit in the middle. I was shocked and distressed by Beth's death, but held it together. I changed the episode to an A- after the Talking Dead's In Memoriam made me cry when I saw it happen again. I think this may just prove to

I love John Green's videos, but only finally read the book upon the insistence of my sister who is ten year younger than me and in high school. Apparently John Green books have become insanely popular in the middle and high school of my home town, as well as throughout the schools throughout my neck of Pennsylvania.

The book came out a year before Bates Motel did…

I would argue that it was rape in the books. Rape in the same way that the scene in Straw Dogs is rape. Perhaps we were all distracted by the ickyness of everything else, but she did still say No and he continued. What he did was at best sexual assault in the books, so…yeah.

DC Comics. And if you are a fan of DC Comics' Detective Comics…Detective Comics Comics' Detective Comics

Well to be fair…the Dunk and Egg books are amazing. And I would love to see a prequel set during Robert's Rebellion.

After reading this article and then skimming the comments, I've got to say that everybody is wrong. This is an excellent episode in what has been the best season since the first. Great acting, great tension, great storytelling. Sure, there are some…lapses in common sense to get the story going, but that has been a

Sometimes Scandal annoys me in how little they seem to know about the American government. While there is nothing preventing Fitz from picking another Californian for VP, it does mean that California, if won by the GOP, can only cast their vote for Fitz or Nichols. Not that this disqualifies Nichols, but someone

Well, except the Zoe equivalent was murdered in the original House of Cards. So it's not like the writers were doing anything other than adapting the source material.

I'm still here, but after the way we were treated by this site, why would people stick around?

As an AVClub Reader and KATG fan, I for one am happy to see them on this list. That's why I voted for them….