
Just for this, I'm going into repeats until next month.

There's one last thing I'm kicking myself abutt, and that's the fact I didn't bring up the Air kick to the butt Tenzin gave to Bumi (not as sexual as it sounds, sadly). At least none of you did.

I think that this guy's name gives away a very crucial fact that I can't seem to place. Maybe he simply masturbates a lot?

I never would've imagined that these here moving pictures were shot and not drawn and then composited. The mind boggles.

"…jokes…" You say?
You know what's the best part about being the Last Airbender?
How could she possibly say "No?"
(Cause chicks dig uniquity {and humanitarian causes})

Good thing I'm your son, not your brother, eh pops?

As in Fire Nation, Earth Kingdom, and Water Tribes, right @avclub-77a30f3aed77aef3d4ed12bf43df6964:disqus ?

@avclub-ac9276d79d4473b8075df15ea199f8f4:disqus But evil dads are basically this show's bread and butter. Heck, Dads are like, the source of all conflict in the Avatar world. Every character has a father after all. Sibling conflict is a secondary type, with all other familial strife tertiary at best.

Yeah, I can't believe it either.

@avclub-77a30f3aed77aef3d4ed12bf43df6964:disqus I don't believe you're using that word properly, as that would mean the incest jokes were the reason that the Avatar-related sections were created. It's much the opposite.

And does "Watercest 2.0" mean it too is faster, stronger, and more seaworthy? Cause we all know what twins do to the 'shippers.

"Show Me Some Jinora Goddammit" Indeed.

Oh there was a thumbs up, but the real question is "to whom?"

Unless you were telling a joke, in which case:
What's the best thing about being the Last Airbender? 
The Fact you're not the current one! (Cause seriously, does Tenzin have problems or does he have PROBLEMS?)

Maybe the whole world took a level in badass? It would have to to even give a fully realized Avatar much of a challenge. Although I don't think she's fully realized, just that she can go into the Avatar State at will.

The tiny chibi Tenzin on the map got me. He's definitely not as stoic as he seems.

Good to hear nothing's changed.
Or Has it? It appears Firecest: is Okay now.

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus Well, great. There goes Book 4.

Almost as important as realizing Daddy didn't truly love you?