
You know though, we'll still need the aid of our left hands to continue enjoying Korra.

The bomb moment was the most intense thing this show has done to me. It says a lot about this show's quality when I legitimately thought something worse would've come of that bomb. My brother thought when Ming Hua grabbed Lin's leg, that she was going to lose it, another testament to this show's quality and audacity.

Just Like War, eh?

I always liked the idea of a Sword in the Stone homage. Been thinking about it since they announced Korra.

Ah, the newly minted Agent McBeefslab gambit.

I still like to think that Zaheer and P'Li started doing it right there after the camera cut away. There was a truck bed after all! P'Li and Zaheer's bending can go a long way towards keeping them warm.

You know, if anything, I gave up the ghost after Book 1. Just in time for Jinora to get important in Book 2!

After Harmonic Convergence, I'd say she's limited to Raava only, sadly enough.
Thinking about it though, how does Raava put up with the sexual escapades of each Avatar? It must be something difficult to comprehend in the first place, let alone having to deal with it for a thousand of those fuckers.

All this speculation of along the lines of "Su is in on it" reminds me of the now classic speculation of "who Amon was and how could he do that?" As then, I will reserve any kind of speculation, as having preconceived notions has a way of leading to big disappointment.

The Creators joked back before Book 1 airing that the season could be split into 3 movies because of how the arcs had differing goals and focuses. Book 3 seems about the long game more so than 1 or 2. It has that same meandering feeling that Book 2 had, such as no clear idea what the conflict was about until over


This is what I've assumed as well. It explains why they needed the full moon, it requires a certain power level to overcome another person's chi.

I remember something Sifu Kisu said years ago about Lightning Bending being derived from the rare Tai Chi Sword Technique. Tai Chi being the basis of Waterbending was a way to illustrate that the different elements could learn from each other.

Oh, Season 4 is assured. Oliver doesn't know what he's talking about.

Good to see me and my people aren't so disavowed any more.

As has been reported elsewhere (http://avatarthelegendofkor…, it boiled down to Studio Mir being burned out after Book 1, not a budget dispute. They agreed to come back after another request from Nick Studios, believing they wouldn't have been offered again if something hadn't gone wrong. As it stands, they're already

I like to think Tenzin breaking up with her was the act that propelled her to the person she is today. People kind of disregard failed relationships as personal growth, especially if it was necessary growth. The fact she looks back amused at her actions rings sociopathic, but she has taken many actions that prove her

Don't worry, I gotcha back!

@avclub-0e426c437145b137c301c8c34d0060a2:disqus I'm intrigued by your preference, as the long suffering Pema would actually be my favorite. It's just that, plot-wise, she got more to do than the Kids. Although, that may sound bad because all she did was be pregnant, and give birth.

But always in vogue with me, right @avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus ?