
I believe Pepsi III was just mistaking her maturity for age. Discounting that she's only 5' 3" of course.

I'm definitely appreciating the bigger role. It felt like an odd casting choice for the all of 30 lines she got in Book 1.

Well, Tenzin does keep a jail cell in his attic…

I support this stance (but not for the obvious reasons).

I did get a Korra notification, if that makes you feel any better.

A Rusty Venture.

Man, there's just so much wrong with this comment, you're giving my name a small run for its money.

This would help convince me to stick with the show.

This would help convince me to stick with the show.

So quick TMNT unrelated question: What was the Legend of Korra's Episode Budget?

So quick TMNT unrelated question: What was the Legend of Korra's Episode Budget?

What I took away from the end scene is that Soos must know about the theme song.

What I took away from the end scene is that Soos must know about the theme song.

But if you never have children, you'll never get to use Little Dickens on your daughter.

But if you never have children, you'll never get to use Little Dickens on your daughter.

I'll take out a page now for Watercest is Wrong and Firecest.

I'll take out a page now for Watercest is Wrong and Firecest.

Since I was summoned I Must now shower the people with my presence.

Since I was summoned I Must now shower the people with my presence.

Did somebody sound the Call?