
Did somebody sound the Call?

I feel you're selling me short there Firecest. I'm almost as ingrained as you are in the Fandom.

I feel you're selling me short there Firecest. I'm almost as ingrained as you are in the Fandom.

How's about I keep you company then @avclub-e14267dedd4e1d0cc0093bc13643fd59:disqus ?

How's about I keep you company then @avclub-e14267dedd4e1d0cc0093bc13643fd59:disqus ?

Crazy Talk is Comin' Out of Your Mouth Right Now @avclub-e14267dedd4e1d0cc0093bc13643fd59:disqus .

Crazy Talk is Comin' Out of Your Mouth Right Now @avclub-e14267dedd4e1d0cc0093bc13643fd59:disqus .

Why? Would You Like to Make a Deal…?

Why? Would You Like to Make a Deal…?

@facebook-1033719542:disqus If I remember correctly, doesn't the Avatar light up before they do Awesome?

@facebook-1033719542:disqus If I remember correctly, doesn't the Avatar light up before they do Awesome?

Cue Flying @avclub-0e426c437145b137c301c8c34d0060a2:disqus

Cue Flying @avclub-0e426c437145b137c301c8c34d0060a2:disqus

Pomple, you must enlighten me as to Who you thought was What.

Pomple, you must enlighten me as to Who you thought was What.

@avclub-39687e7d1c92246d75a913df025e3792:disqus To be fair, there could be aliens who could bend.

@avclub-39687e7d1c92246d75a913df025e3792:disqus To be fair, there could be aliens who could bend.

And What an Admirable Conclusion to Draw @avclub-39687e7d1c92246d75a913df025e3792:disqus .