
"I'll set the table, you bring the dish."
I'm so glad it appears Brad has found a family-friendly drag queen to guide him through this mortal coil.

My dad is 100% Slovak so I was screaming.

Can you help me  understand how Work It and Bitch 23 are at all comparable? As for dumb broad humor, do you mean in terms of size, or do you mean broad as appealing to as many people as possible? Because I can't think of a network show that had as limiting of a sense of

NBC should have at least let Spencer be the lead female on Blacklist instead of Megan Boone.

I think it was the mention of the sequel that made it seem so easy, as there are very few instances of sequels doing well enough critically to get Oscar love. Then again, one of the contestants went with Lord of the Rings, so it was probably the inclusion of that word that led her astray.

I hate to inform Todd that Wendy Williams never had a one-woman show on Broadway but was instead playing Big Mama Morton in Chicago for a brief stint.
I get a kick out of Wendy as far as daytime TV goes, but I still think it's better for the sake of Broadway that she hasn't yet gained access to The Great White Way to

That was maybe the easiest Final Jeopardy I'd ever seen.

Funny that I made it this far but will also probably skip the finale as I cannot fathom 2 hours with this in a single sitting.

Um, I legitimately have about 12 hours worth of TV tonight. This is why I secretly dread the fall season.

I don't really see Modern Family doing that type of humor tho, but I could be wrong. Having it be Jay's kid makes it dicey, at least to me. It's completely fair to have Jay be less than comfortable with the idea of his son marrying another man (as there are people like this out in the world) but too often Jay's mostly

Did Axl say anything remotely nice during this entire episode? Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed this episode but I don't remember him ever being this unforgivably sour and mean before. I get the circumstances of the episode, but there's a fine line between being a self-absorbed teenager and a complete and utter

What the actual fuck was the baby vomiting at any mention of gay marriage? I mean, what the actual fuck?

Lol @ Lucky 7 not even getting a What Else is On mention. It's a major network drama debut, guys. 

I was so taken aback by the line about Janney cooking meth. I would think coke and booze would be enough.

Capital Critters is like the best idea ever tho.

Way late response, but I just watched this episode and that's where my aching sense of disappointment is coming from too. This show took a really unsubtle approach to Bordertown issues in the pilot, but at least it suggested that they were interested in examining them. Now the main plot seems almost entirely distanced

I just read they are showing the second episode first now because the pilot is so bad. I'm a little disappointed this one won't be covered because I think it's going to rapidly change if it gets to stay on the air based on critical feedback alone.
I also would like The Crazy Ones to get reviews because I'm very curious

If you hooked me up to a lie detector I would have to say What an Experience is my favorite. I can't help it.


I'm embarrassed for how much Breaking Bad was brought into this.