Tom Lenk is going to be a gay best friend on Lifetimes "Witches of East End" next month. I mean, wildly unimportant to most people here, but it's nice to see him get something not Whedon related.
Tom Lenk is going to be a gay best friend on Lifetimes "Witches of East End" next month. I mean, wildly unimportant to most people here, but it's nice to see him get something not Whedon related.
Colby was hilarious but Dan McShane turned me into a teenage girl and it was rlly embarrassing to witness.
If this show needed anything, it was Lennie James walking into a scene quoting scripture.
The most overwrought, and so far worst, performance of the year.
A weird amount of Luther hate in WOT the past two nights. I haven't seen it, but I'd never heard of it having a bad rep before.
I now watch this show just to lose my shit at every shot that suddenly reveals Lennie James in frame glaring at people and looking as guilty, suspicious and freaked as humanly possible.
I've been wondering that too. Considering the last episode I watched had around 4-5 guests and very little in the way of fashion critique/joking, I'd say "yes." It was incredibly boring.
Goofy and incomprehensible but not in any real way that made me mad. I guess I lost that capacity a few seasons ago? The Warlow stuff will be even more criminal the more distance we have from this season (seriously, what was it about other than keeping Sookie from the Vamp Camps? And why did Rob Kasinsky keep talking…
I agree. It was a really successful experiment that never felt rote or less than completely involving. Aaron Johnson was majorly miscast but the rest of the cast made up for it. I'm a big fan of the Levin stuff in the book, but I know any filmed adaptations that aren't extended miniseries have to scale back on it. One…
I'm not a subscriber to the "gays can't play straight" argument but Ellen is SO visibly uncomfortable in that movie it almost makes the movie hilarious.
Honestly, I don't want NPH hosting the Oscars.
Him, Sofia Vergara and Jane Lynch are like the trinity of "won't turn down anything" and I feel like they're overexposed and boring choices for anything at this point. I'm weirdly bugged by the way NPH treats his jack-of-all-trades reputation as a favor to us all.
I relate a LOT to Will's uptight, neurotic and sneakily self-obsessed gay guy. Probably more than any that have been on TV. W&G gets blasted for stereotypes, but I'm probably the most like Will out of any TV gay to date and that's just how it is.
Does anyone remember the sitcom that came between this one and her talk show? It had Martin Mull and I think she lived in Maine or a New England town or something. Although that was a pre-DADS world where Martin Mull being attached to something actually spoke to its better than average quality.
Not even 16! She hosted in 2007!
She can still attract some controversy (JC Penny and One Million Moms) but she's such a cuddly personality now that it's only from the fringe. Really remarkable. It's similar to Neil Patrick Harris, I guess.
Very true, although the district she represents has always been some sort of outlying hell-dimension. It's like the Hellmouth of MN, really.
No, but I guess it's a shorthand point of pride that we were the only state not to fall for Reagan. I'm sure Mondale actually being from MN had NOTHING to do with that.
I don't know that I'd call Minnesota "heartland" in the way that implies it's shocking or unusual gay marriage would be passed here. We're one of the most liberal states in the nation, with the longest streak of democratic presidential voting because of Mondale. That might not have been the intent, but I can't help…
Sad it's cancelled but also not sure I want to watch this show without Judi Silver.
Am I missing or something or was Lennie James purposefully trying to make his character look as guilty as possible the whole time? Constant glances at Frank, threatening hush tones and physical altercations in front of other cops, etc. Man, these people are really stupid.
Classic English-teacher syndrome.
I think Breaking Bad does a lot of cool things visually but it needs to scale back and know when to use the tricks. I remember watching the 5a finale and eventually feeling like I was watching an extra-depressing Mountain Dew commercial.