
Well, I guess there was no point to my comment since it was just personal preference and not really meant to start a compare or contrast between two shows that aren't all that similar. But no, I personally don't have to see any more of Hannibal to confidently make that statement. Breaking Bad's best season was the

Um, Peggy?????

Hannibal is already a way better show than Breaking Bad if you ask me.

Man, I really wish this had been a better article because I'm definitely of the camp that thinks Breaking Bad carries more importance than it deserves.
I like the show; it's undeniably fun to watch and has one of the best leading man performances to ever be on TV. But I find it impossible to put it in the company of

Oh so it's not X-Factor Rebecca Ferguson? PASS.

Just want to be the one person who will co-sign that adaptation of Scalped and also defend my goddamn Orange County Housewives. 

I felt like he was almost mocking himself on accident. The weird thing is that he got progressively worse as the movie went on, by the end barely able to yell "YEAH" convincingly.

It's not the AV Club if there isn't a female character in a prestige drama to hate!

I guess I'd say Charlie Hunnam gives the worst leading male performance of the blockbuster era. Made Sam Worthington seem interesting. 

Well certainly not with all the cows getting halved. RIP COW.

What about the ratings would even suggest that this won't get a Season 2 if they want it? Bad quality has never kept a CBS show from running for 6 decades.

I have not heard this yet but I refuse to believe it. All Hell was the most interesting thing I heard last year. 

Have a hard time letting premium cable dramas go by without me watching, but I REALLY hated the pilot. That opening paragraph just assured me that it's okay to never go anywhere near this program again. Yuck. With the whole Entourage vibe of the first one, I'm not even confident in assuming you're supposed to take

He seems to think that learning Argo is a true story somehow ruined the movie? He should just watch Surviving Christmas, idk.

The Disney method eventually wears you down. I remember being in middle school and for some reason watching Disney exclusively for a few months when they started advertising an original movie called Double Teamed about twin sister who play basketball. I was not really interested in the movie, but after 2 months of

Whatever strategy it is, unconventional airing patterns seems to work for Disney. It's been that way ever since I was in middle school watching Lizzie McGuire. They air one, and then hype the shit out of every episode for a few weeks so they all seem like events or as part of a big premiere night. I don't think it's

"Bringing the American Civil War into the show isn’t the subtlest way of highlighting Tom’s internal tensions"

Feel like we're going to get a shot of Ben's Peeping Tom window in every episode until this show is over.

Why do we still feel the need to demand an explanation from childless couples?

Yeah, my dislike of the Heat has absolutely nothing to do with Lebron. I actually like him a lot.