
Pretty sure I saw every episode of Jesse and remember almost nothing about it.

I was looking for the sincerity thread. I'm glad there was at least one.

Oh this is a joke that has been made. I am moving on now.

He's like a hard-to-look-at Peter Sarsgaard in that photo.

A human being who does not understand that sometimes bad things happen because you make them happen. It's like he's testing this unbelievable second chance.

Every single person I know has told me that so I have no reason to expect otherwise. I'm probably being too harsh but I think I'm just deflated again because I felt like Episode 4 was the start of something exciting and then it was followed up by that labored Tobias ep and the promise/threat of another George Sr.

Just flabbergasted that these way-too-generous reviews are the most down on the one episode that had an actual comedic rhythm at this point. Easily the best of the first 4.

I've watched 5 so far and The B Team is the only one I can say I've legitimately enjoyed. At this point my grades have been, C-, D, C+ B, C.

Her and Lindsay Price are ready to film Gals on the Town. Aisha Tyler is the holdout.

I was looking for a replay of The Fosters on the schedule screen last night and saw that The 700 Club was airing at the 11/10c spot. Pretty plum positioning still.

@spinycreature:disqus Gotcha. That will be interesting to see. Tywin's always been awful but I think it's been easier for viewers to blame the most heinous stuff (Ned's death, etc) on Joffrey. That could change now and people might be actively wishing for his demise instead of enjoying him as a shit-stirrer.
But I like

This is only going to improve ratings, if you ask me. Might lose a few idiots but the sheer amount of HOLY FUCK GOT chatter on the internet today is only going to further this show's reputation as one you NEED to be watching. I think a lot of people are going to feel left out and blast through it this summer.

@spinycreature:disqus Catching up to you? I don't think anyone's enjoyment of Tywin as a character comes from some naive "oh this guy might be someone to actively root for in a completely positive way" feeling. People's enjoyment of Tywin is because of his ruthlessness…it's probably not going to change now, especially

Very true. I guess I just meant that I'd buy them as 23-year-olds (even though they clearly aren't) because of said immaturity. It's hard for me to think of the Friends gang as ever being that young considering how much they acted like 30-year-olds. A lot has changed in 20 years and what a college degree actually

I did forget Omar, you're right. So I'll say Luther wins the comedy category. He eclipsed Max with these last few episodes. Plus, I don't think every flamboyant gay character is necessarily a stereotype - Luther seems fresh to me and ultimately a more progressive character than someone like Dean Pelton or any other

Well, I guess proud that there's a femme gay character out there that isn't completely unbearable. Saying that as a leans-to-the-femme-side gay guy.

I don't have a single disagreement with that Thanksgiving list. Everything in the right place.

He becomes psychotic instead. Some say this was overkill, but crazy David Schwimmer is why Ross is controversially my favorite Friend.

I was in the 1st grade and watching it, which had a lot to do with my older sister being a fan. Still, she wasn't that much older (3 years) and I seem to recall a fight occurring in my house related to the "Ross and Rachel finally do it with the premature ejaculation juice box" joke and whether or not we'd be allowed

A fresh and exciting opinion I did not expect to see on the A.V. Club and will be truly shocked to see resurface in each and every review of the show!